
John Danaher On How To Get The Most Of Training With Smaller Training Partners

John Danaher On How To Get The Most Of Training With Smaller Training Partners

“Always assume that your opponent is going to be bigger, stronger, and faster than you; so that you rely on technique, timing, and leverage, rather brute strength,” said Helio Gracie, the grandmaster of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


Being the bigger guy in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu certainly has its advantages. However, it’s vital you don’t just base your BJJ game solely on your height or weight. They say don’t hit a fly with a hammer because you simply don’t need to. The same logic applies with a bigger guy’s BJJ game. If you are a 230-plus pounder, and are squeezing and crashing down on someone who is 130 or 140 pounds, then there could be certain consequences. Ribs could be shattered, and a neck could be popped out resulting in an opponent who most likely will not roll with you again.

John Danaher talked about on social media on how to get the most out of rolling with a much smaller training partner:

“When you train with the smaller guys: In Jiu jitsu we are expected to train with a wide array of partners. Some will be very good, some will be beginners, most will be somewhere in between. Additionally, they will come in all shapes and sizes. Figuring out the unique challenges of each different body type is a big part of your development. In response to the many different types of training partner you will work with, you must learn to develop different intensity levels in your game. When training with smaller or less experienced partners, use this to develop your defense or a weaker part of your game.

Remember – unlike competition, the goal of training is DEVELOPMENT, not victory. That means seeing a sparring round with someone you know you can defeat easily not as a chance to beat them as expected, but as a chance to take some aspect of your game that needs improvement and spend time on that or by handicapping yourself in some way to make the match more even. In this way you can derive great benefit from training with a lessor partner in ways that will make you more successful in the future against your toughest partners.”