
Is your Goal a Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu? These Things Will Derail Your Dream

Is your Goal a Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu? These Things Will Derail Your Dream

Keith Owen’s Insights on Achieving a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Almost everyone who starts training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu wants to get their black belt. However, “getting it” actually isn’t the proper expression… As you don’t get your black belt – you earn it, instead.
So, what does it take to really earn a BJJ black belt?


Earning a BJJ black belt isn’t as easy as just “showing up to class”, which is something that a lot of people tend to say. You should set your focus on actually improving every single class; by being focused on the techniques taught, on what your instructor is telling you, and similar.

In his enlightening video, “Is your goal a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?”, Old school BJJ black belt Keith Owen (RIP) delves into the intricacies of goal setting within the BJJ community and identifies common obstacles that can deter practitioners from reaching their ultimate goal of achieving a black belt.

The Journey to a Black Belt

Keith Owen starts by highlighting the commitment required in BJJ, noting his own 18-year journey. He emphasizes the need for a clear plan, stating that many practitioners falter not necessarily due to a lack of skill, but because they lack a strategic approach.

Key Factors for Success

  1. Dedication: Owen notes that dedication is critical for anyone aspiring to become a black belt. He challenges the notion that being a good practitioner is enough, asserting that dedication goes beyond skill.
  2. Overcoming External Challenges: The journey to a black belt can be hindered by external factors like injuries, financial constraints, or lack of support from family. Owen stresses the importance of perseverance, especially when facing these challenges.
  3. Instructor Support: A crucial element in this journey is the support of your instructor. Owen advises ensuring that your instructor is not just willing but eager to help you achieve your black belt.
  4. Personal Motivation: It’s essential to have a deep-seated love for BJJ, not just a desire for the black belt. Owen cautions against pursuing the belt as a mere token, stressing the importance of continuing the practice and sharing knowledge post-achievement.
  5. Goal Clarity: He advises practitioners to have clear goals beyond just obtaining the belt. This includes planning for what comes after achieving the black belt, whether it’s teaching, competing, or further personal development in BJJ.
  6. Dealing with Demotivation: Owen touches on the inevitable phases of demotivation, particularly after achieving intermediate milestones like a purple belt. He encourages practitioners to be prepared for these moments and to remain committed despite them.

Keith Owen’s message is clear: achieving a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is more than just mastering techniques; it’s a journey that tests one’s dedication, adaptability, and passion for the sport. His insights offer valuable guidance for anyone on the path to this prestigious achievement in BJJ.