
Ask a BJJ Black Belt: How Often Should I Be Training Jiu-Jitsu?

Ask a BJJ Black Belt: How Often Should I Be Training Jiu-Jitsu?

How often you train jiu jitsu will depend on your goals and schedule. For beginners, two to three times per week is a good starting point. This allows you to learn the fundamentals and build a base level of skill and conditioning. As you progress, you may want to train more frequently.

For those looking to compete, training four to six times per week is recommended. This high frequency allows you to learn and drill new techniques at a rapid pace, build muscle memory, and improve your conditioning to match the demands of competition.

For elite competitors, training twice a day, six to seven days per week may be needed. An intense training regimen at this level allows competitors to optimize skill development, physical preparation, and strategy. However, this requires a significant time commitment and may be unsustainable for most people.

In general, aim for consistency over intensity when first starting out. Showing up to your scheduled classes will build good habits and help you avoid injuries that can derail your progress. As you adapt, you can slowly increase your training frequency by one or two sessions per week. Listen to your body and adjust as needed based on your soreness, fatigue and life demands. Taking an occasional deload week where you drop sessions can stave off overtraining.

How often you train BJJ really depends on your goals. But consistency, allowing for recovery, and building up your frequency gradually are keys to enjoying jiu jitsu for the long term, regardless of your competitive ambitions. Start with two to three sessions per week and adjust from there based on your progress and priorities.

Black belt athlete and competitor Nick Oliver gives his thoughts on how often you should train Jiu Jitsu: