
Andre Galvao Shows The Most Effective Way To Pass Any BJJ Guard

Andre Galvao Shows The Most Effective Way To Pass Any BJJ Guard

In a BJJ match, you are typically spending 80% of your time passing the guard. This is the reason why Jiu-Jitsu practitioners spend so much of their time working on guard passing.

Rickson Gracie once said, “the guard is the heart and soul of jiu jitsu” so the guard is where you’ll be spending most of your time on the mat. Whether you are trying to pass or playing guard, there is no way to avoid the guard…

Have you ever felt hopeless about passing your training partner’s guard, and felt that you don’t really know what to do about it?

If you have, then 6x ADCC world champion has a great concept for passing any type of guard wether it be a spider guard, lasso, knee shield etc…

For him, the most dominating guard pass is the double underhook pass. The reason is that when dealing with a hyper flexible opponent, you shouldn’t focus on fighting the legs, you need to focus directly on blocking the hips.

Here are some great details from Galvao:

Never Worry About The Lapel, Berimbolo, Or Inverted Guard Again With This Blueprint For Passing Modern Guards.

  • Andre Galvao Teaches The Passing Principles Anyone Can Use To Shut Down The Modern Guard Player – The Same Moves He Teaches His Atos Fighters.
  • Master the modern guards and pass with pressure and mobility, with this new 8-volume mega release from Andre Galvao.
  • Get 10% Off with code ‘BJJEE’.