
A Day in the Life of a Master Worlds BJJ Competitor

A Day in the Life of a Master Worlds BJJ Competitor

There was a time (many years ago) when perhaps the general opinion was that if you fought in the Adult class, it was a lot ‘harder’ than if you fought in the masters division. Perhaps in the earlier days this was true particularly bearing in mind that there were not a lot of Masters competitors at the Black belt level. In addition and significantly one cannot ignore the fact that the adults fight for 10 minutes instead of 5 for the masters.

However, the ‘shark pool’ at Master level is much deeper and to be honest scarier. Whatever you have done before at the lower belts in Masters division cannot adequately prepare you for the Masters Black belt level. Will there be exceptions? Sure..but on the whole…it won’t!

In the Masters division you can quite literally fight the legends of our game at any major competition. Practitioners who are in the same age bracket as you but …oh by the way, have been Black belts maybe longer than you have actually been training.

The IBJJF Master worlds held every year in Las Vegas is one of the biggest BJJ competitions in the world with around 5000 competitors from all over the world competing for a week long period.

In this video, we follow Mark who is a master 4 purple belt who travelled to Las Vegas for 5 days with 5 of his teammates to compete at the master worlds.

He discusses the whole competition journey from the preparation to the diet, to the training etc..

As Rickson Gracie said: “Jiu-Jitsu is for life.” Whether you like to compete or not, the most important is to be able to train and have fun.

Fight Smart And Win As An Older Grappler With Tom DeBlass’s Guide To Beating Younger, Faster Opponents With These Key Details And Fundamental Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Concepts To Slowing The Fight Down And Keeping Control.

  • Learn how an older grappler can use real technique and useful technique to simplify their Brazilian jiu-jitsu and slow down younger grapplers with Tom DeBlass’s help.
  • Tom DeBlass is a UFC veteran fighter and a respected black belt grappling coach in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, as well as a BJJ Fanatics favorite.
  • Tom shows how to work from top and bottom position with techniques and attacks that older grapplers can gain advantage with, including half guard, pressure passing, and more.