
Why Is Irish Sea Moss A Must-Have For a Traveler?

Why Is Irish Sea Moss A Must-Have For a Traveler?

What does a traveler want? Zero foggy days when traveling to see Fujiyama, a strong stomach when traveling around Asia, enormous immunity when visiting Scandinavia, and a load of energy to never get exhausted by day-long strolls on your two feet.


If you are open to new experiences, trendy Irish sea moss supplements might bring your traveling to another level. If you dare to let this nutrient-pack seaweed into your daily life, read about different types of sea moss and benefits it can give to an active human being. Read and be astonished!

What are sea moss supplements?

Irish sea moss (Chondrus crispus) is the most notorious species of Red algae. It has long historical roots and has been in use for centuries. It is packed tightly with antioxidants, vitamins, acids, proteins, enzymes, fiber, and unique compounds that are beyond advantageous to your mucous membrane, joints, and tissues. 


Irish sea moss uses are diverse and vast, yet it found itself at the apex of popularity among enthusiasts of a holistic lifestyle, healthy eating, fitness, and just people who strive to reach well-being by eating organic.  


5 ways Irish sea moss charges your traveling

Now, if you want to entirely transform your traveling experience, the alga is your key to brand-new trips and a brand-new you. Learn what’s in sea moss and get inspired by the health benefits it brings!

  1. You will forget about being sick

You don’t want to spend the rest of your trip locked in your hotel room with your throat aching. The species of Red algae are brimming with antioxidants, A, E, and C in particular. This compound can benefit your immune system and increase its response against viruses. 


This seaweed can consolidate the immunity of your guts, making you highly resistant to pathogens — which is beyond beneficial if you travel to cold countries or contact numerous people daily.

  1. You will be energized from dawn to dusk

Do you remember this effect from your favorite coffee or matcha, when you’re all hustle and bustle for the first several hours before the effect fades? 


Constant use of real sea moss pills or gel two times a day can give you the same motivation, charge, and mind clarity, without causing anxiety or depression after. There are several assumptions on what allows Irish moss to act as a natural charger:


  • A load of crucial human nutrients
  • High content of iron, iodine, and antioxidants (A, E, and C)
  • Fatty acids
  • Collagen-promoting properties


If you want to learn more about Irish sea moss effects, visit the case study section of the popular in the US sea moss vendor True Sea Moss. They convey evidence-based sea moss research from the scientific point of view, which is both fascinating and helpful to learn!

  1. Your focus will improve

Several pieces of research demonstrated that Omega fatty acids can aid with conditions like depression, derealization, and brain fog. Concurrently, minerals like magnesium and iron of the alga keep your brain trim, allowing you to stay focused and clear even if around you reigns pure chaos. 

  1. No muscle soreness after long walks

After intense physical activity, hiking, and long strolls, your muscles can experience soreness and even cramps. The following compounds of Irish sea moss — taurine, magnesium, antioxidants, and Omega fatty acids — can help calm down pain and get you back into shape shortly, not letting human limits spoil your trips!

  1. No more bloating or stomach pain

Traveling to places like Thailand, China, or Vietnam, get your stomach prepared for the variety of volcano-spicy dishes! Such a powerhouse of antioxidants and fiber as Irish sea moss can fix your guts if you stay regular with it by soothing your intestine’s mucous membranes


Chondrus crispus cushions acute pain of conditions like gastritis and ulcers. At the same time, B-group vitamins (particularly B-6) effectively rid you of discomforting bloating.

Top most convenient to take sea moss supplements

Sitting on a dry root of sea moss night-long, waiting for it to rehydrate is not an option for you. Still, you want to be sure that sea moss products you purchase are 100% real, organic, and sugar-free.

For an outstanding first experience, visit the website of True Sea Moss — the most recognized sea moss vendor in the US. They sell certified, fruit-flavored sea moss products without a trace of artificial additives.


In their repertoire you will also find the following forms of the alga:


  • Sea moss gels — recommended to eat standalone or add to smoothies, no more than two tablespoons per day.


  • Capsules, pills, and gummies — the most easy-to-take version of sea moss. You can simply put a pack to your backpack take a pill, a capsule, or a chewy with water after a meal or snack.


  • Powder — easy to mix with shake, soup, drink, or smoothie. Goes well with matcha!

To sum up


Irish sea moss is a real salvation for a traveler. The seaweed can bring your trips to another level by consolidating your immunity, making you more energized and enduring, improving your focus, soothing inflammation in muscles after long walks, and ensuring that your guts tolerate exotic foreign food! 


We recommend True Sea Moss as a trusted and certified vendor of quality Red algae supplements in the entire US. Visit their website and upgrade your adventures!