
Female Martial Artist Shows the Fantasy & Reality of Women’s Self Defense

Female Martial Artist Shows the Fantasy & Reality of Women’s Self Defense

Learning a martial art is self-care in its most active, most deliberate form. You get to blow off steam, burn those calories, and most importantly, learn how to defend yourself.

Knowing self-defense is a lot like insurance. You hope the day never comes when you need your self-defense skills, but you’re happy that you have them on standby. It may or may not surprise you to learn that self-defense is about more than just fending off an attack.

Gabriella Corvina, a seasoned mixed martial artist with over 19 years of experience, reveals the truth about women’s self-defense ” Corvina, who has trained in various martial arts disciplines and holds a black belt, brings her unique perspective to the topic, influenced by growing up in a dojo as the only girl in a male-dominated environment.

Reality: Huge difference in physical strength between men and women

The primary message of Corvina’s video is the disparity in physical strength between men and women and how this impacts self-defense strategies. She emphasizes the importance of women taking self-defense classes to boost confidence and awareness. Despite her extensive martial arts background, Corvina acknowledges the inherent physical advantages men generally have over women, advising women to adapt their approach accordingly.

“Even with my comprehensive martial arts background, I recognize that men generally possess a greater physical strength than women. This calls for women to alter their self-defense techniques to suit this reality.”

Situational Awareness

Corvina stresses the importance of situational awareness, highlighting the need for women to be mindful of their surroundings, especially when in vulnerable situations like walking alone at night. She points out the practical challenges women face, like wearing heels or being unaware of potential threats.

“Being aware of your surroundings is crucial. Your attire, environment, and the people around you all play a role in determining how you should react in a potentially dangerous situation.”

Self-Defense Strategies

The video discusses non-lethal self-defense tactics, advising women to avoid physical confrontations with male assailants due to the significant strength differential. Corvina introduces the concept of the “three Ws” – windows (eyes), wind (windpipe), and wheels (legs) – as key target areas in self-defense. She encourages women to use available tools, like heels or keys, and to focus on incapacitating an assailant long enough to escape rather than engaging in a prolonged fight.

Realistic Approach to Self-Defense

Corvina’s approach to self-defense is rooted in realism. She debunks myths and over-hyped techniques often portrayed in media, insisting on practical, effective strategies over flashy moves. The emphasis is on striking vulnerable points, maintaining awareness, and utilizing whatever tools are at hand.

“There’s no place for fancy moves in real-life self-defense. What’s portrayed in movies is often impractical. The focus should be on simple, effective techniques that allow for a quick escape.”

Gabriella Corvina’s video is a candid, insightful exploration of women’s self-defense, blending her extensive martial arts expertise with a realistic understanding of the challenges women face in dangerous situations. Her message underscores the necessity for situational awareness, practical self-defense techniques, and a realistic approach to personal safety for women.