
Exclusive: BJJ Scout’s Identity Revealed Plus Bonus Footage Revealed

Exclusive: BJJ Scout’s Identity Revealed Plus Bonus Footage Revealed



The question “Who is BJJ Scout?” has been plaguing the community for ages.

And for the first time ever the resolve is close. Many sources have come out lately claiming they hold the lapel to the wormguard of the enigma that shook the world up.

It all started when bjj prodigy Keenan Cornelius was watching the 1974 Paranoia Classic “The Conversation”.

Gene Hackman in Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation

A cacophony of cricket like sounds could be heard in his room every night and he never thought much of it- even though it was coming from inside the house.

After dismantling every old fashioned clock in his house he turned his attention to the walls.

A close examination of one wall on the Eastern side of the house revealed a hole. A hole that revealed a small stream of light.

Who is BJJ Scout?

As Keenan was digging through the walls and it was becoming apparent, the light was coming from an open laptop. Cornelius took out his smart phone and took a picture:

And sure enough a closer look at the screen revealed a clip that was being worked on. A new one, never previously seen:


Just as Keenan had hit play and tweet alert sounded on his phone. He took it out and read the notification:



Happy Troll Hunting Everyone!