
BJJ Escapes: The Main Concept That Everyone Should Know by Fabio Gurgel

BJJ Escapes: The Main Concept That Everyone Should Know by Fabio Gurgel

Fabio Gurgel is a name well-known throughout worldwide Jiu Jitsu circles. He is one of the world’s most sought after coaches, responsible for the development of many beloved jiujiteiros – such as Marcelo Garcia, Cobrinha, Lucas Lepri and many others – as well as a CEO and head coach of the famous Alliance Jiu Jitsu Team. which is the most successful in Jiu-Jitsu history with 12 team world titles.

He’s a 4x World Jiu Jitsu Champion, and this October it will be 30 years since he has been awarded his black belt by his coach, Romero „Jacare“ Cavalcanti.

Fabio Gurgel is well known for his offensive but his student Bernardo Faria mentions how Gurgel is also a master of defense and escapes and this is why he wanted Gurgel to show some essential concepts for staying safe on the mat.

Prevention is More Effective Than Escaping Positions & Submissions

There is always one point in the class where the black belt asks his students if there are any questions. One that almost always comes up is the “how do I escape this submission”. Now there is nothing wrong with that question, but a better one would be, “how do I prevent this submission from even happening”, because preventing has less risk, requires less energy and has a higher success rate.

So this means that you should always be preventing your opponent from even starting his game.

Gugel explains this and so more concepts in detail: