
7 Legal Performance Enhancing Supplements Worth EVERY Penny

7 Legal Performance Enhancing Supplements Worth EVERY Penny

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, just like any other sport, has athletes that use steroids and other performance-enducing drugs (PEDs). However, what makes BJJ different from a lot of other sports is that there is little to no testing on PEDs across different tournaments and organizations; with the IBJJF being one of the exceptions.

ADCC is not testing for PEDs and it could be said that they are actually encouraging it…

PED use in the Jiu-Jitsu is extremely widespread according the famed MMA and BJJ instructor Firas Zahabi, and no just at the elite level.

Zahabi was recently a guest on the popular youtube channel ‘More Plates More Dates’ which is hosted by Derrick who is a well respected PED expert.

Zahabi claimed that PED use was way more widespread in BJJ than in MMA and especially at the amateur lower belt level:

Derrick: “You know like uh reputation of the drug use in bjj relative to mma? Competitively in brazilian jiu jitsu it seems to be one of the most drug-ridden sports?”

Firas Zahabi: “Oh my god. Oh my god it’s worse than mma. it’s worse than mma. You’ve got guys going in like local Jiu-Jitsu tournaments blue belt level and they’re jacked out of their mind and they’re wrestling some kids like it makes no sense. It’s insane. It’s insane like and the thing is their jiu jitsu is ugly like to me when i see they’re just just tough it’s just it’s just brutish. It’s not sophisticated at all but they don’t know it. They think their jits is the same as that other guy… Why? Because it’s effective. There’s a difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Like for instance there’s a guy named Palhares in our sport mma. Okay he would just drop down grab a guy’s ankle and rip it off. Now the guy was effective but his jiu jitsu was not sophisticated. In my opinion it was good but it wasn’t as refined as other other practitioners. Now i always said in my opinion I thought he was on PED’s then later on he got busted he got busted on PED’s.”

How can a natural athlete compete against a PED user and stay competitive? They always resort to legal supplements which are effective and affordable for enhancing athletic performance and recovery. In this video by respected nutrition specialist Thomas DeLauer, he explains why these supplmemets make the list:

  1. Taurine: DeLauer highlights a study that indicates taurine supplementation (1 to 6 grams) before exercise can lead to increased VO2 max, peak power, time to exhaustion, recovery, and reduced inflammation. Taurine also shows potential for reducing muscle damage and has been linked to muscle hyperplasia in animal studies.
  2. Creatine: He discusses the widespread benefits of creatine, referencing a study that aggregated data from 300 studies. Creatine is found to improve performance, strength, power, and recovery in about 70% of the studies. DeLauer emphasizes that creatine might also upregulate signaling proteins related to muscle mass. He recommends starting with 3 grams and gradually increasing to 10 grams, regardless of gender.
  3. Whey Protein: DeLauer refers to a study comparing whey, soy, and casein proteins, finding that whey protein significantly enhances muscle protein synthesis both at rest and post-exercise, more than the other two types.
  4. Essential Amino Acids (EAAs): He discusses the benefits of EAAs in muscle contraction and reducing lactate accumulation during workouts. EAAs are also highlighted for their role in preserving muscle mass, especially in caloric deficits.
  5. Beta-Alanine: DeLauer explains the effectiveness of beta-alanine in enhancing performance in activities lasting 60 to 240 seconds. It works by boosting carnosine levels in muscles, which helps buffer hydrogen ions, thus reducing the acidic environment that hinders glucose breakdown during intense activities.
  6. Caffeine: Caffeine is recognized as a powerful ergogenic aid for its effects on fat mobilization, mental focus, and physical performance. The recommended dosage is 3 to 6 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
  7. Tongkat Ali: Specifically recommended for men, tongkat Ali is known for its ability to increase peak power and positively affect free testosterone and estrogen levels. This supplement is particularly noted for its potential in enhancing muscle strength and recovery.

DeLauer emphasizes the affordability of these supplements, suggesting that experimenting with them can be a worthwhile investment in one’s athletic performance and overall health.