
4 Athletic Benefits of High Polyphenol Olive Oil

4 Athletic Benefits of High Polyphenol Olive Oil

 High polyphenol olive oil comes from various olive varieties, such as Koroneiki, Picual and Amfissis. This type of olive is unique due to its levels of polyphenols, which is an organic compound known for extraordinary levels of antioxidants. For this reason, high polyphenol olive oil has become popular amongst health enthusiasts and athletes alike. Besides antioxidants, olive oil has a host of health benefits to fuel your workout in and outside the ring.

1) Energy

Olive oil has high levels of healthy fats that are essential to athletes. It consists mostly of monosaturated fatty acids in the form of oleic acid and other healthy fats such as linoleic acid.

Olive oil provides athletes with much-needed energy. Athletes need to get anywhere from 20% – 30% of their calories from fat. Fat is the body’s primary fuel during workouts that are low-intensity but are lengthy – a marathon is a great example. 

While there are other sources of fat, olive oil is healthy and doesn’t increase cholesterol levels.

2) Muscle Recovery

Muscle recovery is crucial to anyone who exercises, and it’s even more critical for BJJ fighters whose muscles take a heavy beating. Their athletic training is intense and frequent, and without proper muscle recovery, a BJJ fighter could become seriously injured. Their muscles need the appropriate time and nutrients to repair and strengthen after working out.

Olive oil is an excellent way to help muscles recover and a healthier option than other fat sources. High polyphenol olive oil is especially beneficial, assisting cells in absorbing cholesterol and converting it into testosterone, which are essential parts of the muscle-building process. 

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and oleic acids also work in tandem to help allow the body to regenerate.

3) Antioxidants

Antioxidants, especially oleocanthal and vitamin E, can be found in high amounts in olive oil with increased phenolic content. The antioxidants contribute to reducing the damage that free radicals can do to an athlete’s body during intense workouts or a match. 

Vitamin E also helps maintain a healthy immune system, which is vital for an athlete. Especially if they are training for a specific event, athletes cannot afford to take time off of training if they get sick. 

BJJ is also a physical strain on the body, which can make fighters more vulnerable to illness. Getting sick can be a severe set back for most fighters, so foods like olive oil that contain high levels of antioxidants and vitamin E are essential parts of their diet.

4) Longevity

As noted in the points above, olive oil on its own has many excellent benefits. BJJ athletes especially enjoy these benefits. But even more, these health benefits are available when olive oil combines with exercise. 

Besides general good health, consuming olive oil and maintaining a healthy level of exercise has shown to reduce the risk of age-related ailments. These issues can include anything from cardiovascular conditions to frailty in general.

This aid in longevity is because after consumption, the fats found in olive oil store in the body in lipid droplets, which is how cells store fat. This fat breaks down while exercising, releasing its many benefits.

Final Thoughts

The health benefits associated with high polyphenol olive oil are helpful for anyone. Still, each benefit caters to specific needs that BJJ fighters have that allow them to be successful in matches and training. Energy, muscle recovery, antioxidants, and longevity, in general, are all integral parts of being a successful athlete. Being able to gain all of these benefits from one ingredient is invaluable. It makes it easier than ever for athletes to get as many benefits as they can in a simple and effective way.