
Unsanctioned MMA Event Pits Kids Against One Another

Unsanctioned MMA Event Pits Kids Against One Another



The picture above has been rocking the world.

This is a photo taken at an event in South Africa – depicting two minors fighting under professional rules.

The person held accountable is Henry Eksteen – owner of the promotion where this picture was taken. In addition to this shady practice the promotion also pays the athletes which is not allowed in amateur MMA events.

The regulating body for South Africa, Martial Arts South Africa released the following statement:

MASA and MMA SA do not condone, sanction or approve any of these events. The public should be educated to make sure the promoters or clubs/instructors hosting these events are not supported. Any support of these type of events place the safety of your children at risk.

Eksteen himself said:

Apparently a post of my Cage event 2 weeks ago has gone viral and has created a huge stir nationwide as i had a few kids fight – great, we as an organization must be doing something unique and it’s working so, of course, we gonna get haters and people talking s*it and threats by my own so called acquaintances would you believe and ALL WHITES!!!!! Not one black brother or sister has EVER given me shit why, cause they as far as i am concerned are not as narrow-minded as these D…


Yet  World International Martial Arts Association and Organisation is backing the owner – as said in this email directed to Cageside.

I would like to make it clear that we are fully aware of the false, I REPEAT “FALSE” accusations of illegal sanctioning made both through social media and email.

WIMAAO are a registered Company Limited by Guarantee who act under strict legislation and rules, sanctioning internationally ring, cage and tatami martial arts, inclusive of MMA (A), (B), (C) and (D) class. Full rules and regulations are provided to each director upon sanctioning within the represented country.

As legal threats have been made against President Eksteen we will provide full rules and procedures, including a copy of his sanctioning letter as held by every representing or promoting director only to President Eksteens Legal team. We trust after this case is found clearly legitimate in Henri Eksteens favour that any future false allegations will be withheld and a full public apology will be issued both to Henri and WIMAAO as a legal martial arts organisation.