
The Diving Kimura is a Much Safer Option Than the Rolling Kimura

The Diving Kimura is a Much Safer Option Than the Rolling Kimura

The diving Kimura is NOT like the rolling Kimura.

The Diving Kimura is much less risky than the rolling kimura. It sounds similar, because it is. The main difference is that we are aiming for side control and using our hips to smash our opponents chest or face. Whereas with the Rolling Kimura, you apply no pressure to your opponent with your body and leave a lot of space for escape.

This video goes over the proper execution of the Diving Kimura with 3 options: pressure, freestyle and blast.


Find out why the KIMURA should be the CORNERSTONE of your entire BJJ playbook with Tom DeBlass’ help!
DeBlass leaves no POSITION unexamined. DOMINATE Kimura attacks, sweeps and even use it as a shortcut to LEG ATTACKS.
