So much fuss has been raised over the fact that pop star Demi Lovato was recently awarded her blue belt. Even though Demi has all the riches the celebrity can provide there are plenty of doubters when it comes to her actual skill levels.

The Confident singer thanked her trainers and coaches David Dunn, Harlan Berk, and Tarsis Humphreys ‘for giving me my belt’
But how exactly are we criticizing her when there are no exact standards and or guidelines?
As a reminder Gracie University, one of the rare organization to have explicit requirements, at one point the essential for the blue belt was 71 accurately performed techniques. Elsewhere there are major schools like Gracie Barra that also use attendance as a guideline when it comes to belt ranking.
But unlike the Ashton Kutchers of the world Demi Lovato hasn’t been shy about promoting the sport or showcasing her progress.
So why all the fuss?
Well it’s hard not to argue celebs have been offered leniency in the past. After all this is what Rigan Machado’s flow jitsu is all about.
This is why jiujitsutimes talked to ADCC medalist Orlando Sanchez, and one of the first ones Demi Lovato took privates from:
“The cool thing about training at Unbreakable is that everyone there is a celebrity, so nobody cares… True story, when I met her, I had no f***ing idea who Demi Lovato was. We helped each other a lot over the year because of our similar hearts. She is the most loving, humble, caring person you could ever meet. She’s just another person who puts on her gi and ties her belt like all of us.”
Now Sanchez hasn’t been constantly training with her due to his own commitments but there’s no reason for him to doubt her blue belt legitimacy
“Understand she can afford private lessons every day with badass black belts year-round. She’s trained with me, Danielle Martin, Tarsis Humphries, Randy Couture, and Chuck Liddell. She trains three to four days a week sometimes. So trust me, Demi is a legit badass who works harder than anyone I’ve ever seen.”
Well she might never compete, but then again many casual recreational bjj practitioners might not either. The obvious difference being we know about her.
But is it really unreasonable to assume she’s learned this map below in the year since she’s received her first stripe?
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.