
How to Care for Your Bombay Cat

How to Care for Your Bombay Cat

Bombays attract a lot of attention wherever they show up. Although monochromatic, these kittens seem very refined in their simplicity. The combination of their copper eyes or polished black fur is stunning. On this source, learn more about black cat breeds. And what further adorns them is their lovely personality and love for humans.

These cats originated as a cross between Burmese and American cats. The aim was to have a domestic feline that looked a bit like a smaller version of a black panther, a predator of graceful attitude and authentic appearance. And when it comes to the looks, Bombays got all the best from their big relative. But luckily, they develop a unique, friendly, and peaceful character.

Grooming Needs


Bombay felines are small cats, and because of their short, silky fur, their grooming needs are not big. Your task is to brush their coat once a week. It’s sleek and soft, so even regular petting can remove fallen hair. They don’t need too frequent bathing since this breed is known for its tidiness.

Spending a lot of time grooming Bombays will also result in these cats being quite affectionate towards their owners. But if you get too rough with your hands, or you just don’t pet them properly, these mini panthers can become irritated and start to lash out.

Eyes and ears require regular cleaning every few days. If you notice that your pet’s eyes are tearing, know that is typical for this breed. Wipe the corners with a damp cloth or swab. The same goes for the ears. Remember to clean only the outer ear of the wax buildup. As for nails, trimming is needed every 2 or 3 weeks, depending on how much your pets uses their claws.

Vet Check-Ups


In terms of health, you can be considered lucky if you own a Bombay cat. These felines are generally in fairly good health, and their genetics are good, as they are not specifically destined for some diseases. Still, despite almost ideal health, regular vet check-ups are a must.

Due to short snouts, Bombays may develop some breathing issues, or they can have a problem with running noses. If you notice that your cat is getting tired quickly or snoring too loudly, tell your vet. Excessive fatigue can also indicate certain heart problems, so pay attention to these signs.

Nutrition and Activity Requirements

When it comes to nutrition, Bombays are not too demanding. But if you want your cat to keep silky, soft hair, it’s advisable to have plenty of fatty fish on their menu. As Bombays are prone to obesity, you have to balance their nutritional needs and level of activity. If your pet is an indoor-only cat, the chance of getting chubby is high. 

Get more info on your feline’s nutrition below:


Your vet will pay specific attention to your cat’s weight and body shape. Excess weight is a great enemy of Bombays, as it can trigger many diseases. So keep your pet active, even indoor. Play and entertain these cute furballs, and keep them busy with interactive toys, cat trees, and balls.

Keep Your Bombay Happy


One of the best things about this breed is that it’s relatively easy to care for. These cats do well with humans, especially kids, because they have high energy levels. It means that you or your youngsters can spend a lot of time with your pet without making them bored. 

These kittens love engaging toys, but that doesn’t mean you need to spend a small fortune on them. Even some simple things like a yarn of paper or a cardboard box will keep your pet entertained. Sure, the best thing you can do is to spend time with your furball, even if it’s just about throwing a ball hooked for a stick. 

Because of their exotic origins, Bombays are not fans of winter and cold (in fact, no cat is). Since this breed is quite territorial, it’s advisable to provide them with a warm place to snuggle up. And a bed inside the window is a great idea because your curious cat will enjoy the view. If you live in an apartment, make sure the window is closed because Bombays can go after the birds.

Friendly Furballs


Bombays tend to be the center of attention, and they hate loneliness. Don’t get these felines if you are often absent or living alone. They need company, as they can become anxious and destructive if left alone for too long. 

This breed is one of the few that enjoys the crowd, even when it comes to other animals. As you can learn from Holistapet Bombay cat article, these kittens are an ideal choice if you have other pets. They won’t run away when your friends are coming by. In fact, they will be the first to approach strangers if they feel a peaceful vibe.

The best way to ensure that your new pet doesn’t become overly aggressive towards people is to introduce it to a few different people one by one. The cat will decide which human they really feel comfortable with. This way, you can help them get used to their surroundings and introduce them to other people far easier.


Bombays are characterized by a high degree of intelligence, and, unlike many other breeds, they are not spoiled. Although they can sometimes be real lap fungus, these cats are generally amusing. Their graceful walk gives the impression of a miniature black panther, but these beautiful creatures are real mollies.