Many including Dillon Danis were dead set on having him go up against someone like Jon Jones. Naturally the passions were high regarding the match up with UFC biggest bad boy and McGregor’s secret grappling weapon! But the match rumors were soon dispelled when it was announced that Danis would be going up against another controversial bjj personality – AJ Agazarm.
Now Danis offered his opinions on match up, McGregor’s grappling and many other subjects in his guest spot on Inside bjj podcast (attached below) but he was also very level headed in his approach. One other topic discussed was the controversial kick between AJ Agazarm and Vagner Rocha. In Danis’ opinion such altercations are better left for other venues and there’s no room for such exchanges in grappling no matter how heated the arguments and pre fight hype gets.
Danis on the kick between AJ Agazarm and Rocha, and would he kick AJ if he had the same opportunity:
“No. I mean it’s a jiu-jitsu match I’m not stupid, I wouldn’t do that. I think he handled it the wrong way. I told him this before I think I said like if someone kicked me off the stage like that I would never go to the referee and ask for help I would take care of business myself. “
“That would be a real fight then.”
On how he feels he would match up against Gordon Ryan:
“He’s coming off a loss but the thing about Gordon is that I do respect him I do respect that he says stuff and goes out there and does it. Not a lot of people do that. ..”
Here’s what Danis said on being called out and Gordon putting out money:
” I’m focused on goals I’ve been focused on since I was 15. Like I give 2 sh*ts whose calling me out. You understand? So that’s how I feel about it. “
On gi vs no-gi and his goals:
“To be a gi world champion. I have a lot of goals but that’s one I really want to do for myself. I was really close last year and I just feel like it’s the hardest tournament to win… You can go and try to be a best submission grappler out there but technically you’re just fighting a bunch of guys that are gi guys doing submission only nogi cause they’re really not the best at it. Then it’s really like you’re not really beating the best guys in the world at what they do.”
Agazarm on the other hand penned Danis a trademark song:
If you get what I’m sayin’, the statements he’s made
Are that he is the PLAYER, and Conor the PLAYED.
That Dillion tells Conor the progress he’s made
And schools him like the dumbest kid in 3rd grade
Now, me, I ain’t sayin’ I wouldn’t do the same
If I was workin’ that angle, and runnin’ that game
But Dillion, on the down-low, is makin’ the claim
That he is the talent behind Conor’s fame
He’d be better at what Elvis’ ‘Sensei’ would do
Keep his mouth shut and open some schools
Tell the “KING” he’s a black belt as he nods out and drools
And never forget you’re just one of the tools
You can check out the entire interview with Danis and Agazarm below.
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.