Tune in here at 9am California time or 6pm Paris or Belgrade time on Sunday 3 for the live play by play right here on BJJ EASTERN EUROPE!
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To look at Saturday’s Play by Play: http://www.bjjeasteurope.com/2012/06/ibjjf-worlds-play-by-play-saturday-june.html
The schedule: http://www.ibjjf.org/cronomundial2012.htm
The Brackets: http://www.usbjjf.org/bracket_viewer/Bracket.html
Results so far: http://www.ibjjfdb.com/Campeonato/PublicResults?CampeonatoId=114&CultureInfo=en-US
A good preview for the Worlds: http://www.bjjeasteurope.com/2012/05/ibjjf-worlds-2012-analysis-predictions.html
Preview of Male Brown and Women’s Black Belts: http://www.bjjeasteurope.com/2012/05/ibjjf-worlds-brown-belts-womens-black.html
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Black belt male Quarter finals:
– Milton Carlos x Rafael Freitas
– Bruno Malfacine x João Carlos Hiroshi
– Felipe Costa x Koji Shibamoto
– Caio Terra x Brandon Mullins
– Ary Farias x Carlos Holanda
– Laércio Fernandes x Samuel Braga
– Gabriel Wilcox x Pablo Santos
– Guilherme Mendes x Henrique Costa
– Rafael Mendes x Takayuki Koyama
– Osvaldo Augusto x Leonardo Saggloro
– Rubens Cobrinha x Eduardo da Silva
– Marcelino Freitas x Mário Reis
– Renan Borges x Lucas Lepri
– Vinicius Marinho x Phillipe Della Monica
– Rodrigo Caporal x Leandro Lo
– JT Torres x Roberto Satoshi
– Lucas Leite x Daniel Garcia
– Otávio Souza x Kron Gracie
– Cláudio Calasans x Alan Finfou
– Victor Estima x Diego Borges
– Ian McPearson x Rodrigo Pinheiro
– Diogo Araújo x Eduardo Português
– Rômulo Barral x Diego Herzog
– Rafael Lovato x Dimitrius Souza
– Yuri Simões x Xande Ribeiro
– Roberto “Tussa” Alencar x Ricardo Henrique
– Fabiano De Souza x Rodolfo Vieira
– Paulo Jardim x Alexandro Ceconi
– Bernardo Faria x Andre Simões
– Cara de Sapato x André Alberto Campos
– Leo Nogueira x Paulo Vitor Martins
– Felipe Menezes x Gustavo Pires
– Igor Silva x Marcus Buchecha
– Márcio Pé de Pano x Antonio Peinado
– Leo leite x Ricardo Evangelista
– Rodrigo Comprido x Alexander Trans
Black belt female finals:
Light Feather: Miriam Cerqueira vs. Leticia Ribeiro
Feather: Marina Ribeiro vs. Michelle Nicolini
Light: Beatriz Mesquita vs. Luiza Monteiro
Middle: Luanna Alzuguir vs. Vanessa Oliveira
Middleheavy: Penny Thomas vs.. Fernanda Mazzeli
Heavy: Gabi Garcia vs. Tammy Griecco
Absolute: Gabi Garcia vs. Luiza Monteiro
10:00 Ari Farias on the mat. Bruno Malficine also on the mats, Bruno vs Joao Carlos, Bruno is up 2-0
Referees are wearing suits today, looks classy.
Farias wins a close fight. Samuel Braga is fighting, Felipe Costa is up on the other mat.
11:00 Bruno wins via armlock.
Felipe Costa won
Caio Terra dominating. Mendes bros on the mat. Gui and Rafa Mendes winning.
Lepri vs renan Borges about to start. Cobrinha trying to get out of deep half in thr other mat. Lepri up 5-0. Lepri wins by collar choke.
Cobrinha vs Ed Ramos from Atos. 2-2 4 mins in. Cobrinha takes the back! Cobrinha wins 6-2
11:30 Leandro Lo is up vs Rodrigo Caporal of Atos. Caporal working to pass Lo’s excellent guard. Caporal using a lot of strength.
JT Torres vs Satoshi! Barn burner right there. Satoshi sweeps and gets 2 points. JT sweeps and has one advantage. Satoshi hunting for a omoplata! Satoshi wins by advantage.
Bruno Malfacine vs Rafael Fretas from Gracie Barra. Bruno has the back and bow and arrows him!
Ary Farias on the mat in the semis. Ary Farias loses Laercio Fernandes from Lotus Club!
Rafa Mendes vs Mario Reis! Rafa normally has Mario’s number. Rafa is smashing the legs and pressuring, Mario trying to pull out a leg. Rafa goes for a kata gatame (head and arm choke), Mario defending. Both are kind of stalling. Both Mendes bros win! Rafa on points and Gui by standing brabo choke!
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12:00 Semi Finals at Pena, Cobrinha vs Leo Santoro from BTT. Leo sweeps Cobrinha. Cobrinha takes the back and collar chokes him. Just like that! So once again a Cobrinha vs Rafa Mendes final!
Lepri wins and is through to the final vs the winner of Leandro Lo vs Satoshi.
Satoshi vs Leandro Lo. This is going to be a sick fight! Satoshi pulls guard first, smart. Its a crazy grip battle, and gets an advantage, looked more like sweep, but since he went to all fours so it wasn’t a sweep coming from the guard. Satoshi on top. Lo sweeps and leads 2-0. Now they are playing a 50/50 guard. Lo bullfight passes the guard. 5-0 for Lo. Satoshi back up. Lo does his footlock sweep and is now up 7-0! Satoshi sweeps but time runs out. Lo is in the finals vs Lucas Lepri!
Lucas Leite now up. He wins on points.
12:26 Rafael Lovato Jr vs Dimitrius Souza of Alliance. Lovato wins by referee decision!
Kron Gracie is not fighting. He injured his knee yesterday. So Otavio Souza gets a by to the semis.
Victor Estima vs Diego Borges. Victor up 2-0. Victor wins by sub!
Claudio Calasans vs Alan Finfou. Finfou goes for a flying triangle but Calasans escapes. Calasanas takes it by advantage.
Ian Macpherson is down 2-0 vs Rodrigo Pinheiro from Gracie Humaita.
Romulo Barral now up vs Diego Herzog. Romulo goes for traingle, Diego defends, Romulo sweeps. in 50/50 now.
13:00 Rodolfo Vieira vs Fabiano de Souza. Nice footsweep take down by Rodolfo. Fabiano goes for a kneebar and comes on top, 2-2. Rodolfo sweeps. 4-2. passes, takes the back 8-2. Rodolfo armbars his opponent!
Cara de Sapato is out. Health problems (not specified)
Yuri Simoes vs Xande Ribeiro ! Yuri is super agressive and tries to take down Xande twice. Yuri is up 1 advantage. Xande ends up on top still 0-0. Yuri is up 2 adv. 50/50 guard. Footlock battle now. Xande passes. 3-0. 2 mins left. Xande is solid here. Looking for the mount. 1/2 guard now. Xande going for a mean cross face choke on Yuri’s jaw! Time runs out. Xande wins, and goes to the Semis.
Leo Nogueira is through.
Ceconi wins via cross choke on feet to ground
13:41Tussa vs Tarsis Humphreys. Tussa takes it by Ref decision.
Leo Leite is on. He’s a top Judoka and ex BJJ World champ. He wins.
Buchecha vs Igor Silva. Buchecha hunting for the leg. Igor defends, Buchecha sweeps and gets 2. 2-2 now. Igor sweeps, 4-2. Buchecha hunts the same leg and gets the kneebar!
Alexander Trans vs Rodrigo Comprido now. Clash of generations. It’s been a long time since we saw Comprido at the worlds. Comprido pulls guard. Closed guard work by Comprido but Trans is hard to move, he has good base. Trans gets to half guard, and Comprido does a uppa sweep and scores 2 points. Trans attacks the foot but Comprido defends. Trans sweeps and has 2 advs. 2-2. Trans is now in comprido’s closed guard. Trans tries to pass the open guard. Time runs out. Trans by advantages. Comprido has still got it! Comprido leaves his belt on the mat which means that he retires! The crowd applauds him. Who knows, he may be back!
14:10 Pe de Pano vs Antonio Peinado. Pe de Pano submits Peinado with triangle! He’s back!
Rafael Lovato Jr vs Romulo Barral, middle heavy semi final. Rafael gets for the sweep. Romulo sitting guard, does a collar drag and evens the score. Rominho tries to pass but Lovato has good guard retention and very long legs. Rominho passes finally! Romula Barral wins on points!
Otavio Souza beats Lucas Leite on points and goes to the finals! He will face the winner of Claudio Calasans vs Victor Estima.
So Calasans vs Victor Estima, Calasans trying to pass Victor’s guard. Both are in some in-tangled positions. It’s 4-4 and Calasans leads by advs. Calasans beats Victor by one advantage for the second time this year. He will face Otavio Souza in the final!
14:45 Bernarda Faria ninja chokes his opponent fast.
Xande vs Roberto Tussa. Nice looking blue Kingz kimono from Xande. Wow, Xande flying armbars Tussa! Impressive. So Xande will face the winner of Alexandre Ceconi vs Rodolfo Vieira!
Rodolfo takes down Ceconi. He takes his back and collar chokes him. Too easy! Finals between Xande and Rodolfo. The match everybody wanted to see!
Leo Leite vs Alexander Trans. Clash of the titans. Leo may be even stronger than Trans. Leo foot sweeps Trans and is up 2-0 with only 3 mins left. He is blocking Trans in top half guard. Trans butterfly sweeps Leite but Leite jumps back up. Trans loses to Leite! Happy for Leite, he will face the winner of Buchecha vs Marcio Pe de Pano!
Pe de Pano is losing to Buchecha 4-2. What a battle. Valiant effort from ex champion Pe de Pano.
Buchecha will face Leo Leite in the final.
Women’s black belt finals Results:
-Light: Beatriz Mesquita vs. Luiza Monteiro: Bi Mesquita wins by submission
-Light Feather: Miriam Cerqueira vs. Leticia Ribeiro: Leticia wins 8-0 and takes 1 more world title.
-Feather: Marina Ribeiro vs. Michelle Nicolini: Michelle Nicolini on points.
-Middle: Luanna Alzuguir vs. Vanessa Oliveira: Luana wins on points.
-Middleheavy: Penny Thomas vs.. Fernanda Mazzeli: Fernanda wins 10 to 2.
-Heavy: Gabi Garcia vs. Tammy Griecco, women’s heavy final: Gabbie basically smothers Tammy and wins on points.
Absolute: Gabi Garcia vs. Luiza Monteiro
Gabi Garcia wins by complete ownage
Men’s Black belt finals
Super-pesado: Bernardo Faria x Leo Nogueira:
Leo Nogueira wins by gentleman’s agreement.
Pesadíssimo: Leo Leite x Marcus Almeida:
Buchecha goes for a low single, Leo sprawls and end up on top putting pressure. Buchecha sweeps Leite! Wow. He’s very confident. Leo stands and now trying to pass a turtled up Buchecha. Leo tries to clock choke but Buchecha escapes, passes the guard, and mounts! Buchecha is so fast. He goes for a reverse wrist lock then switches to armbar and he gets it! Amazing!
Galo: Caio Terra x Bruno Malfacine:
Bruno almost gets Caio’s back, he defends, Bruno is now in Caio’s closed guard. Caio trying to get Bruno’s back, Malfacine up 2 adv to 1, now its 3-3 advs with 45 secs to go! It’s restarts standing up, Caio pulls guard, and almost sweeps Bruno! Malfacine gets the referee decision!
Pluma: Guilherme Mendes x Laercio Fernandes:
Gui working to sweep with the reverse DLR, Laercio trying to footlock Gui but doesn’t seem close at all. They are in 50/50. 2 points for Gui, then gets sweeped. They are tied up like 2 snakes. Gui tries a kneebar. They are tied on advs. Referee decision goes to Gui Mendes!
Pena: Rafael Mendes x Rubens Cobrinha:
Cobrinha sits and comes up and gets 2 points! Rafa gets Cobrinha in a type of modified x guard, and tries pass to the back, same position as in the Pan Ams, Rafa sweeps. 2-2, 50/50 guard. It’s a real chess match. Both keep threatening with footlocks. stil 2-2 no advs. Referee decision goes to Rafa Mendes. It was very close., closest ever between the two.
Leve: Leandro Lo x Lucas Lepri:
Lo playing guard, and Lepri trying to solve the riddle and pass.Lo has a great footlock guard. Leandro pulls it off and wins by advantage! Incredible guard!
Medio: Otavio Sousa x Claudio Calasans Jr:
Calasans comes up from 1/2 for a sweep. Then gets swept himself. Tied 2-2 with 8 mins to Go. Calasans playing half. Spins under and is attacked by a kneebar. Leg spaghetti ensues. Tied at 4-4. Octavio goes for a omoplata but Calasans esacpes. 6-4 for Calasans who is now in Octavio’s closed gaurd. Octavio gets 2 points on a sweep. Octavio Sousa wins by an advantage in the last 3 seconds!
Meio-pesado: Romulo Barral x Diego Araujo:
Romulo takes Diego down, passes, mounts. 11-0 with a choke from mount for the win! first submission of the finals. Andre Galvao is really missing here!
Pesado: Alexandre Ribeiro x Rodolfo Vieira:
This is the first time they meet. Can Rodolfo take down Xande? Xande has a good grip on Rodolfo’s belt, standing, Rodolfo tries 2 drop Seoi but Xande jaumps back up, 2 advs to Rodolfo, one more throw attempt, 3 advs, Rodlofo takes Xande down with a quick sweep single. 2-0. They’re back up and Xande single leg TD’s Rodolfo, 2-2, Rodolfo almost sweeps and gets 1 more adv. Xande now in Rodolfo’s close guard.Xande in half guard, almost passes in the last seconds but time runs out. Rodolfo wins 2-2 , 4 advs.
Absoluto: Marcus Almeida x Leo Nogueira
Last fight of the tournament! Leo comes out agressive, working a single leg, Buchecha is pushing the head down, Leo takes him down and Buchecha reverses, Leo has a deep half guard, Buchecha works a kimura, Leo comes on top and leads 2-0, they stand and Leo pulls guard, and works a DHG, Leo sweeps 4-0 but gets caught in a triangle, Leo defends, and escapes! Footlock battle now, time is running out, Buchecha looks very tired after all his battles from the weekend. WOW! Buchecha takes Leo down and mounts him! Last second of the match! Crazy. Double Gold for Buchecha at the 2012 Worlds! We have a new Jiu-Jistu Superstar ladies and gentlemen.
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I’m out, peace!
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.