Tag Archive: Competitions, Tournaments, Women in BJJ
Being a Female in a Male Dominated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Community
Dec 11, 2019Diane HingComments Off on Being a Female in a Male Dominated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Community
Photo: Leon Sandoval www.heyleon.com, Instagram @heyleonmedia and Facebook.com/heyleonmedia Written by Diane Hing On January 21st, 2017, I chose to attend the North American Grapplers Association...Confidence: 5 Ways Jiu Jitsu Surprised a Woman in a Restaurant
Nov 06, 2017The Dainty GrapplerComments Off on Confidence: 5 Ways Jiu Jitsu Surprised a Woman in a Restaurant
Guest post by SnowMMA.com / The Dainty Grappler. Photo: SnowMMA In this first in a series discussing how BJJ Benefits us all, we’ll talk about the Gentle Art’s impact on one woman’s...