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What The Way You TAP OUT In Jiu Jitsu Says About You

Do you know what’s the number one thing you’ll do at training; the most frequent one, that is? No, it’s not Hip Escapes, not any sort of a drill, nor any submission or escape that...

Why You Actually Need To Wait A Bit Longer Before You Tap Out

One of the golden rules in BJJ training is to „tap early and tap often“. The reasoning behind this is clear: to evade injuries and to overcome your own ego, so as to restart the roll and learn as...

The Importance of Strategy In Your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training!

Photo: Kim Hovgaard of Aalborg Jiu-Jitsu Academy/ About Aalborg Selvforsvar & Ju-Jitsu Klub You can be the meanest, strongest guy on the mat come competition time, but does it really matter if...