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Satoshi Ishii Shows A Great Judo Throw Setup For BJJ Athletes

Takedowns are the mark of all grappling sports (Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Sambo etc). They all rely on taking the fight to the ground, regardless of what you do afterwards. Takedowns can be a tough...

This Shin To Shin Ankle Pick Works Great In The Gi (Use The Lapel)

The Shin To Shin is one of the most resourceful guards from seated position in Jiu-Jitsu – simply because it offers a lot of attacking opportunities. And not just when it comes to sweeps, leg...

John Danaher Demonstrates A Simple Arm Drag & Hip Kouchi Trip

You know what they say: the simplest of solutions are often the best of solutions. Be it in life or on the mats. So, if you are having some life or grappling related problems, perhaps it’s time to...

Yoko Tomoe Nage – The Perfect Judo Throw For BJJ Practitioners

Hey… We get it. Judo throws have never been your “thing” when it comes to BJJ. You’ve never felt comfortable with using them when you roll. Plus, when you face someone whose grips send the:...

The Head & Arm Throw Is A Must-Learn For All BJJ Athletes

Training no gi is a fan-favorite for a lot of BJJ athletes. And not just because of the ground game; but also because of the fact that the stand-up game is sometimes easier, faster, and more...

International Judo Federation (IJF) Bans Use of Reverse Seoi Nage

The International Judo Federation (IJF) has recently posted a video to their YouTube channel; informing the public about the changes to the Judo’s ruleset. Among many potentially beneficial...