Tag Archive: controversy, dana white, mixed martial arts, mma, self defense, street fight, ufc
[Watch] Dana White’s Wife Slaps Him On New Year’s Eve – He Responds In Kind
Jan 03, 2023BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] Dana White’s Wife Slaps Him On New Year’s Eve – He Responds In Kind
Dana White and his wife, Anne, got into a physical altercation while celebrating New Year in Cabo San Lucas (Mexico). And the entire incident was caught on camera. TMZ released the video on Monday,...Self Defense Technique: Head & Arm Choke Against A Punch
Dec 26, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Self Defense Technique: Head & Arm Choke Against A Punch
One can never necessarily be completely “ready” for a real self defense situation, however, we can increase our odds of surviving against a violent attacker by targeting certain moves, and...UFC’s Lando Vannata Stops Home Invader, Chases Him Away
Dec 24, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on UFC’s Lando Vannata Stops Home Invader, Chases Him Away
Lando Vannata, UFC featherweight, has had an unexpectedly eventful night yesterday… For, at one moment he was relaxing in his couch – and in the next, he was chasing after a home invader!...[Watch] Airport Staff Member Uses BJJ Against Violent Passenger
Dec 22, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] Airport Staff Member Uses BJJ Against Violent Passenger
Why should you learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? It’s simple, actually: so you can learn how to defend yourself and the people around you, if it’s ever necessary. And, while the chances are that...Using a T-Shirt To Set Up Massive Throws For Self Defense
Nov 30, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Using a T-Shirt To Set Up Massive Throws For Self Defense
„There’s no Gi in the streets man, that Jiu Jitsu/Judo stuff wouldn’t work on me.“ How many times have you heard that sentence being uttered? You’ve probably defended the...[Watch] Street Altercation In Brazil Ends With A Technical Guillotine Choke & Armbar
Nov 23, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] Street Altercation In Brazil Ends With A Technical Guillotine Choke & Armbar
The grim reality is that a lot of people living in Brazil are poor or are on the edge of poverty. Crime rates tend to be high in certain areas, and a big part of the population is left to fend for...[Watch] Bouncer Takes Back, Puts Guy Into Perfect Triangle Choke
Nov 15, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] Bouncer Takes Back, Puts Guy Into Perfect Triangle Choke
When working as a part of law enforcement – or at any sort of a security job, such as working as a bouncer – it’s a good idea to learn at least some Jiu-Jitsu… As it will keep...[Watch] BJJ Guy Uses Heel Hook In Street Fight
Nov 06, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] BJJ Guy Uses Heel Hook In Street Fight
The best street fight is the one you evade… But if it ever comes to the need to defend yourself, knowing some Jiu-Jitsu could be useful. Even Leg Locks, such as the Heel Hook. In the video...“Tactical Unarmed Combat” – Brazil’s New Format Of Submission Grappling
Nov 03, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on “Tactical Unarmed Combat” – Brazil’s New Format Of Submission Grappling
Combate Tático Desarmado – or “Tactical Unarmed Combat” – is a new format of submission grappling, developed in Brazil. The first event under this format took place on...[Watch] Highschool Kid Takes Down Police Officer With Body Lock Takedown
Oct 08, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] Highschool Kid Takes Down Police Officer With Body Lock Takedown
Training martial arts for law enforcement should be a must. Especially for police officers… Which a recently viral video, displaying a police officer trying to break up a fight between two...What Does “Making Soup” Mean In Combat Jiu-Jitsu? Tim Kennedy Explains
Sep 30, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on What Does “Making Soup” Mean In Combat Jiu-Jitsu? Tim Kennedy Explains
There’s a world of difference between sports BJJ and combat BJJ… With one being fantastic for use in training and the other for real-life scenarios. Tim Kennedy – a BJJ black belt,...Tim Kennedy Explains Why It’s Important For Women To Get Self-Defense Training
Sep 23, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Tim Kennedy Explains Why It’s Important For Women To Get Self-Defense Training
Tim Kennedy is a BJJ black belt and UFC veteran, as well as a Green Beret and Special Forces Ranger. He’s also the owner of the Sheepdog Response company, which provides “civilians, law...Boy Stands Up To Bully – Takes Him Down & Sinks In A Rear Naked Choke
Sep 15, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Boy Stands Up To Bully – Takes Him Down & Sinks In A Rear Naked Choke
Have you ever been bullied? If so, then you know how difficult it can be dealing with that on a day-to-day basis… Which is why it’s so important for kids to train martial arts, such as...Chick-fil-A Employee Takes Down & Guillotine Chokes A Would-Be Carjacker
Sep 15, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Chick-fil-A Employee Takes Down & Guillotine Chokes A Would-Be Carjacker
When push comes to shove… Do you take action – or do you remain a bystander? Well, this Chick-fil-A employee from Florida has taken action; against a would-be carjacker. The carjacker...Realities of Using Jiu-Jitsu in a Street Altercation: You Could Get Jumped
Sep 09, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Realities of Using Jiu-Jitsu in a Street Altercation: You Could Get Jumped
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a fantastic martial art and its use in potential self-defense scenarios is clear. However, it’s not an end-all-be-all cure. Rather, being aware of your surroundings goes...[Watch] Renzo Gracie Seen In A Fight In New York Subway
Sep 07, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on [Watch] Renzo Gracie Seen In A Fight In New York Subway
Renzo Gracie was recently seen engaged in a fight, in a New York Subway. It is reported that the popular Gracie was having a conversation in Portuguese, with one of his fellow Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu...Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Officer Gets Guillotine Choked
Aug 30, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Officer Gets Guillotine Choked
Learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu should be mandatory for law enforcement worldwide. And training should be done on a regular basis. Unfortunately, police officers receive little, if any grappling...Racist Attacks Black MMA Fighter & His Family – Gets Choked Out Unconscious
Aug 30, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Racist Attacks Black MMA Fighter & His Family – Gets Choked Out Unconscious
Jordan Patrick Leahy has been convicted for hate crime after a Florida road rage incident last year, when he tried to force a Black person’s car off the road. Even then, the racist man found...5 Tips To Avoid A Bad Situation On The Street
Aug 06, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on 5 Tips To Avoid A Bad Situation On The Street
Sooner or later, you’ll find yourself in a potentially bad situation on the street. When that happens, you need to be prepared to evade – or confront – the situation. Professor Ryan Young, from...How To Start In Self-Defense If You’re A Non-Fighter?
Aug 01, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on How To Start In Self-Defense If You’re A Non-Fighter?
Let’s say that you’ve never fought in your life. That you don’t have any sort of a martial arts background… But that, nevertheless, you’re interested in learning self-defense. How are you,...BJJ Black Belt Takes Down Suspect Wanted for Attacks on NYC Sidewalks
Aug 01, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on BJJ Black Belt Takes Down Suspect Wanted for Attacks on NYC Sidewalks
It was just a normal day for Ro Malabanan, a New York City resident who was heading to work on Wednesday. But then, he saw a man sucker-punch a construction worker, in a supposed random act of...How To Use Back Control In A Life-Or-Death Situation?
Jul 03, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on How To Use Back Control In A Life-Or-Death Situation?
Back control is the best position you can have in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It’s the control where your opponent has no other option other than to defend (just, please, do not cross your ankles) and...Distance: The Most Important Factor When Using BJJ For Self-Defense
Jul 01, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Distance: The Most Important Factor When Using BJJ For Self-Defense
Ah, using BJJ for self-defense… The ever-present topic among Jiu-Jitsu students, especially among freshly minted first-stripe white belts and new blue belts. Here’s the thing. You should...BJJ Advice: Treat Rolling With BJJ White Belts Like It’s A Fight
Jun 25, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on BJJ Advice: Treat Rolling With BJJ White Belts Like It’s A Fight
Ever had that feeling that, when you’re rolling with a (brand new) BJJ white belt, it’s almost as if it’s a life-or-death situation for them? Like, they’re going full force,...