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[WATCH] Police Officer Hits Omoplata Against Resisting Suspect

Do you think Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu works on the streets? Many would – for things such as distance management, takedowns, pinning and submitting with submissions such as the Rear Naked Choke. But not...

This Might Be The Best Way To Escape The Omoplata Submission In Jiu-Jitsu

The Omoplata is a devastatingly powerful submission in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If you don’t tap on time – or if you don’t escape – then you can be guaranteed serious shoulder...

The “Omoplata Pendulum Sweep” Is A Fundamental Move From Closed Guard

When it comes to playing the Closed Guard game, it’s super important to always be threatening your opponent with either submissions or sweeps (or both). And, well, one of the most unexpected...

Mikey Musumeci Has A Great Omoplata Setup (From Modified De La Riva Guard)

The De La Riva Guard is an exceptional guard – you can set up all sorts of sweeps and submissions from it. But if you further reinforce it with a Collar Sleeve Guard… You’ll have...

Craig Jones Demonstrates An Omoplata To Leg Locks Transition

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel Hooks. If so, then you’re in for a treat. This setup by Craig...

Omoplata Counter vs Single Leg Takedown: Works Better Than You Think

Ah, the Single Leg… We know, we know. You actually do like this takedown technique, even though you suck at it. But you’d still prefer to not be so bad at it, although it is – for whatever...

Omoplata Tips: Prevent The Hand From Moving To The Other Side

The Omoplata is often one of those elusive submissions. Your opponents see it coming and try to elude getting submitted by either staying extremely tight with their elbows or by “slipping out”...

This Triangle Choke From Omoplata Setup Is Just Too Slick

One of the most important elements of your development in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is learning when and how to use different guards. To define, a guard is a position where you use your legs as a...

Omoplata To Front Headlock Details You’ve Got To Know

If you have an Omoplata… You could, most likely, transition to a Front Headlock submission as well. While it has experienced a recent uptick in its popularity, the front headlock is perhaps the...

Triangle To Omoplata Transition (And Vice Versa) – It’s Time To Learn It

One of the most important elements of your development in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is learning when and how to use different guards. To define, a guard is a position where you use your legs as a...

3 Super-Effective Omoplata Escapes For Old Guys In BJJ

The Omoplata is often one of those elusive submissions. Your opponents see it coming and try to elude getting submitted by either staying extremely tight with their elbows or by “slipping...

Mikey Musumeci Shows How To Chain Triangle & Omoplata Attacks

One of the most important elements of your development in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is learning when and how to use different guards. To define, a guard is a position where you use your legs as a...

Use This Sweep Whenever Your Opponent Defends Against The Omoplata

The omoplata is a great move that is often underused or not properly used in BJJ. It’s a submission, a sweep, and a setup for other submissions and sweeps. It is not the easiest move to pull off...

Never Tap To An Omoplata Again – With These Escapes by Bernardo Faria

The Omoplata is often one of those elusive submissions. Your opponents see it coming and try to elude getting submitted by either staying extremely tight with their elbows or by “slipping...

Surprise Opponents With This Collar Sleeve-Omoplata To Choke Setup

The Collar Sleeve Guard is an extremely versatile guard that can bring you lots of success on the mats. And if you’ve been playing with it for a while now, then here’s a setup that you...

Bernardo Faria Shares a Secret Omoplata from Closed Guard Detail

The Omoplata is often one of those elusive submissions. Your opponents see it coming and try to elude getting submitted by either staying extremely tight with their elbows or by “slipping...

This Omoplata to Armbar Transition Works Like a Charm

What’s the best way to ensure submission success in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? No, it’s not practicing one technique to the point of perfection… And no, it isn’t learning how to do...

Do You Even Omoplata, Bro? If Not, You’re Missing Out On A Lot

The Omoplata… Is rarely anyone’s first submission of choice. Especially when it comes to up-and-coming lower belts; to them, it seems much more practical to opt for another submission,...

This Omoplata to Armbar Variation is High Percentage

Transitioning from one technique to another sure feels cool! And not only does it feel cool, but it’s also incredibly useful when it comes to a really tough neck-to-neck roll, as well as in...

Fix Common Mistakes & Start To Omoplata Everybody

The omoplata is a great move that is often underused or not properly used in BJJ. It’s a submission, a sweep, and a setup for other submissions and sweeps. It is not the easiest move to pull off...

Tap More Opponents With The Omoplata By Using These Tips

The Omoplata is a powerful shoulder lock submission, one that is available from all sorts of positions. This is even more true when you take into account the things you can do with it from the Closed...

The Cross Sleeve Guard Is Your New Best Friend

The Open Guard offers you so much choice for setting up your attacking game! There are a number of ways to set up offense from here, and if you haven’t read our two articles about the Collar...

The Collar Sleeve Guard: The Best Guard For Beginners in BJJ

The Collar Sleeve Guard may look quite confusing at first glance, especially for beginners. But it isn’t! Once you figure out the basics that make it work, it may very well become one of your...