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Craig Jones Reveals Key To Lifetime Jiu-Jitsu Training

What’s the key to being able to train Jiu-Jitsu for a long, long time… Not just for years – but for upcoming decades even? Well, from Craig Jones’ perspective, the answer is...

Lachlan Giles Shares Injury Prevention Advice: “A Rapid Increase In Training Load…”

Ever got injured in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Yeah, chances are you did. And no wonder – it’s a combat sport. And injuries happen when you train combat sports. However, some injuries...

You’re Improving Slower in BJJ as You Get Older – But You Can Fix It

As you get older, you might notice that your BJJ is not quite what it used to be: mainly, that you’re performing the techniques more slowly and that you cannot keep pace as you used to....

Andre Galvao’s Advice For Preventing Burnout: “Take Care Of Your Mind”

Burnout from training is a real threat to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu students. Especially for those who are infatuated with the Gentle Art so much that they would like to train all day, every day. So, you...

Benefits Of Going To The SAUNA For Jiu-Jitsu Practitioners

If you’re a Jiujiteiro who, among other things, follows Joe Rogan’s Instagram account, then you’ve probably – at one point in time – thought about going to a sauna. You’ve...