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Pastor Calls For Girls To Be Excluded From BJJ – Jocko Willink Stands Up To Defend Them

Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL commander and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, has weighed in on a heated debate sparked by Pastor Dale Partridge’s recent statements – that was discouraging girls...

Jocko Willink Admits He Pushed His Kids “Too Hard” In Jiu-Jitsu

Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL and renowned podcast host, recently opened up about his past mistakes – in pushing his children too hard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training. He implemented mandatory...

[WATCH] Jocko Willink Promotes His Daughter To BJJ Purple Belt

Jocko Willink – renowned Navy SEAL, leadership expert, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt – recently promoted his daughter, Rana Willink, to purple belt. Jocko addressed what he jokingly referred...

Jocko Willink & Dean Lister: “100 Start Training BJJ, 40 Get The Blue Belt, <1 Get The Black Belt"

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is becoming increasingly popular and more and more people start training it with each passing year… But that isn’t to say that lots of people will be able to keep...

Rickson Gracie Explains Difference Between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Gracie Jiu-Jitsu

The recent “Jocko Podcast”, led by Jocko Willink, hosted one of the biggest Jiu-Jitsu legends in the world: Rickson Gracie. Rickson spoke about many interesting subjects that have to do...

Jocko Willink’s Self-Defense Tips: “You May Look Like An Easy Target & Not Know It”

Image credits: Jocko Willink YouTube channel Self defense isn’t always about defending yourself in a bad situation. Rather, most of the time it needs to be about staying away from the bad...

Jocko Willink: “Don’t Use BJJ In Street Fights & When Outnumbered – Just Run Away”

We know. We know that you had the following question pop up in your head once or twice: “Jeez, I’m actually getting good at this Jiu-Jitsu thing. But I wonder, how well would I do in a street...

Jocko Willink Shares Similarities Between BJJ Athletes & Special Forces Operators

Jocko Willink is a BJJ black belt and a former Navy SEAL. As such, you can rest assured that he knows a thing or two about rolling and being on the battlefield. But, what are the similarities between...

Navy SEAL & BJJ Black Belt: “You Become A Target Just By The Way You Walk”

Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu comes with many benefits, including learning how to defend yourself properly. However, proper self-defense doesn’t start when things already go haywire; rather, it...

Jocko Willink Talks About Jeff Glover: “He Just Does Insane Things”

When the word “creativity” appears in a Jiu-Jitsu conversation, the name that comes to mind first to many practitioners is Jeff Glover. Glover is known for his unorthodox and playful...

Jocko Willink Explains How To Encourage Kids To Start BJJ: “Make It Fun”

You’d like your kid(s) to start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Awesome! However, it’s not as easy as just “throwing them onto the mats”. Jocko Willink knows this well, as...

Jocko Willink’s Advice For BJJ White Belts: “Keep Your Ego In Check”

Just started out with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Amazing! You’re probably having a great time, practicing this awesome martial art – especially when it comes to sparring, i.e. the rolling part...

Jocko Thinks Survival Skills, Basic Trauma Medicine, & BJJ Should Be Taught in School

Jocko Willink is not just a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and academy owner. He’s also a well-known retired United States Navy officer who served in the Navy SEALs – and a former member of...

Jocko Willink Recalls The First Time He Got Tapped Out: “In Less Than A Minute”

How was the first encounter with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for you? It was, probably, a mix of sudden humbleness and excitement at once… Because you couldn’t believe that you could get tapped...

Jocko Willink Shares An Insider’s Look At ADCC 2022

Jocko Willink, among other things, is also a co-owner of Origin USA. Origin is a company based in Farmington (Maine) which produces lifestyle apparel, nutrition supplements, and fitness equipment;...

Jocko Willink: “Jiu-Jitsu Had An Incredible Life Impact On Me”

There’s no denying the fact that Jocko Willink – former member of SEAL Team 3, as well as a famous author & podcaster – is one of the individuals which are most responsible for...

Jocko Explains Why You Need To Be Working Out – Regardless Of Your BJJ Training

Jocko Willink held an Origin Jiu-Jitsu camp a couple of days ago; where, together with the other participants, he trained Jiu-Jitsu all day. However, despite rolling all that time (yeah, you can only...

Jocko Willink Believes Training Jiu-Jitsu Would Reduce Bullying In Schools

Bullying is, sadly, a frequent occurrence in schools worldwide. And if you are a parent of a child that’s a bullying victim, you’ve probably been tempted to “jump in” and protect them....

Jocko Willink: “I Was 19 Years Old When I First Trained BJJ…”

How old were you when you first found out about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? And how old were you when you went for your first training session? Jocko Willink was just 19 years old when he rolled for the...

Injured Because Of BJJ? Jocko Willink Has Some Advice For You

Oh no, not the injuries (again)! Perhaps it was a really close roll or a thing you wanted to try out while drilling techniques… But no matter what the cause is, the end result is the same:...

Why Train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Jocko Willink Answers

Why should you train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? There are a million answers to this question and all of them are correct. Training BJJ will get you into a better physical and mental shape, make you more...

Learning Jiu-Jitsu Is Like Learning A Language: You Need Complete Immersion

If you’ve ever been learning a foreign language, you’ll know how difficult it can be to actually learn it. Especially if you do it via some online courses, in the classroom or similar… And...

Jocko Willink: “When Implementing New Things In BJJ, You’re Going To Get Worse At First”

Ever had that feeling that you’re getting worse in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as time flies by? As in, even though you’re trying out new things and attempting techniques, it seems that your BJJ...

Jocko Willink: “When You’re Good At Jiu-Jitsu, You Can See The Future”

Ever rolled with someone who was so good… That it seemed as if they could read your mind? Like, no matter what you did, it was almost as if they knew what you wanted to do way before you did?...