Tag Archive: baratoplata, BJJ Techniques, bjj training, joao miyao, Miyao, miyao brothers, Submission
Joao Miyao Shows A Baratoplata Setup Against The Double Under Pass
Mar 24, 2023BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Joao Miyao Shows A Baratoplata Setup Against The Double Under Pass
If you have never performed a Baratoplata submission in Jiu-Jitsu… Then you’re in for a treat! “Baratoplata”is a very powerful shoulder lock. You can set it up from multiple positions...Paulo Miyao’s Emotional Letter To His Brother, Joao: “For The Silence That Now My Soul Makes, I Love You”
Aug 05, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Paulo Miyao’s Emotional Letter To His Brother, Joao: “For The Silence That Now My Soul Makes, I Love You”
Paulo and Joao Miyao are not only Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champions in their own right, but they’re also twin brothers – very tightly knit, with that. The Miyao brothers have been a big support...Joao Miyao Promoted To Luta Livre Black Belt
Jun 25, 2022BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Joao Miyao Promoted To Luta Livre Black Belt
Joao Miyao is a well-known Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt competitor who, together with his brother Paulo, has stacked a number of medals in just about every important BJJ tournament in the world. He...Interview with BJJ Phenom João Miyao
Dec 12, 2012BJJEEComments Off on Interview with BJJ Phenom João Miyao
Translated from Portuguese from: jiujitsumylife.wordpress.com Joao Miyao, second half (with his brother Paulo)of the world famous tandem The Miyao Brothers, was recently promoted to brown belt....