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What If Your Love Life Is Suffering Because Of BJJ?

Balancing BJJ with the rest of your life is never an easy task. Sometimes, those different areas of life come into direct confrontation with Jiu Jitsu – with one of them being the relationship you...

Train With The Best at The Caribbean Roots Camp with Samuel Braga, Erik Wanderley, Valerie Letourneau & More

What’s the one most important, most beautiful thing that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has given you? What would you say has given you the best goosebumps? Chances are – it’s the experiences....

New World Record: Jiu-Jitsu Tournament at 14,000 ft

As if grappling wasn’t hard enough on the body, we figured, what could be better than a jiu-jitsu tournament on the top of Mount Evans? For our 2nd annual Pirates at the Peak event we fought it...