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Injured Your Joint During BJJ? Do These 4 Things To Recover Faster

Injuring a joint during Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training is never fun. And it’s even less fun after the injury has occurred; because now you have to wait for the injury to heal itself. However,...

Ricardo Almeida: “Don’t Be Lazy – Try To Work Around An Injury”

If you’ve ever been injured in BJJ, you know how frustrating it can be – because it inhibits your ability to train properly. However, something strange happens sometimes as a result of...

Lachlan Giles Reveals Why He Doesn’t Do Ice Baths & Sauna For Recovery

Regularly doing ice baths and going to the sauna are often lauded as the things to do for recovery. However, Lachlan Giles – elite BJJ athlete and coach, as well as physiotherapy PhD –...

Tom DeBlass Praises Stem Cell Therapy: “My Shoulders Have Improved Dramatically”

Tom DeBlass has had a ton of issues with his shoulders, from all the years of competing and training hard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The pain was so severe that he wasn’t even able to sleep...

Caio Terra Undergoes Much-Needed Hip Surgery: “It Was Getting Progressively Worse”

Multiple-time BJJ world champion Caio Terra had suffered several injuries in a car accident back in 2021, when someone’s car ran a stop sign and slammed into his car. And, even though most of...

How To Get Over Fear Of Getting Injured Again In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art – and, as such, it carries a risk of injuries. There’s no denying that, no matter how much you’d like to; for, despite it being much more...

Ethan Crelinsten Undergoes Successful ACL & Meniscus Surgery

Ethan Crelinsten – a BJJ black belt under John Danaher and a member of the newly founded B-Team – has undergone an ACL surgery in order to fix a problem that’s been hindering him...

How to Recover from Ankle Injuries in BJJ

The ‘gentle art’ isn’t exactly as gentle as advertised. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is filled with minor to major injuries. And if you trained long enough, you may have already popped your...