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Craig Jones Shows A Hip Bump Sweep Variation Guaranteed To Score Triangles

The Hip Bump Sweep is a very basic Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique and it’s probably one of the first ones you’ve learned. However, as it is the case with just about any technique, there...

Henry Akins Shows How To Counter The Hip Bump Sweep From Closed Guard

Hip Bump Sweep also known as Getup Sweep or Situp Sweep is considered as one of the staple technique in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Quite often the effectiveness and the details behind this technique is...

Incredible Hip Heist Sweep Details By Firas Zahabi

The closed guard is likely the first type of guard a student will learn in BJJ. The closed guard is just one of the many guards you’ll encounter in your training. It is a part of the identity of...

The Easiest & Best Way To Counter The Hip Bump Sweep

Image Credits: Evolve MMA Hip Bump Sweep also known as Getup Sweep or Situp Sweep is considered as one of the staple technique in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Quite often the effectiveness and the details...

Craig Jones Demonstrates A More Effective Hip Bump Sweep Variation

The closed guard is likely the first type of guard a student will learn in BJJ. The closed guard is just one of the many guards you’ll encounter in your training. It is a part of the identity of...

Use The Hip Bump Sweep To Set Up These 3 Attacks

You’ve probably been introduced to the Hip Bump Sweep way back in the day, and you’re probably seeing it work much less frequently than it was the case before. The reason for this,...

Cobrinha Has Great Closed Guard Kimura And Hip Bump Sweep Tips

Yeah, you may not be too fond of the basic techniques – they are basic, after all. But if we’re being totally honest, you could still use a bit of assistance with them. This is probably true...