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How To Prepare For A BJJ Competition With A Different Ruleset

Competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu isn’t as simple as just „going out there“ and „giving your best“. Sure, it’s important to enjoy the experience and have fun; but if you want to...

The Importance Of Proper TIMING In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. Not everything is about techniques in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sure, technique is most important – for, if you don’t have it, what will you...

What (Not) To Eat Before Competition For Ultimate Performance

Picture this: it’s competition day and you’re as hyped as you can be. Your training has been absolutely on point for the last few months, and you’re a much more technical and...

When Is The Right Time To Start Competing In BJJ?

Most people start training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu because they want to do something which will keep them fit and healthy, because they want to learn how to defend themselves, or/and because...

Overcome Pre-Competition Fear And Anxiety By Following These 3 Tips

A competition can either be an amazing, fulfilling experience or a frightening and soul-crushing one. And this doesn’t depend just on whether or not you’ll win the match and/or the...

This is How To Build More Confidence In Your Jiu Jitsu Skills

Will you let us share a well-known secret… One that greatly influences how you’ll perform during your training rolls, as well as in tournaments? It doesn’t have anything to do with...

Pursue Your Dream Of Becoming A BJJ World Champion Or Be a Great Mediocre BJJ Student?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is all about making progress every time you’re on the mats. It’s about reaching new heights as a Jiujiteiro, ones you thought would never be possible. But what if you...

Freestyle Judo: The Way Judo Ought To Be?

There is a growing contingent of Judoka who are dissatisfied with the direction the sport has been moving over the past few decades. They don’t like the elimination of leg grabs, and the growing...

1st Match Adrenaline Dump & Forearm Burnout: Why it Happens and How to Deal with it

 Credit image & photo: Pedja Milosavljevic / STARSPORT: Belgrade Open 2016 BJJ A competitor has just finished the first match of their day. It was a tough one that went the distance. Sweat on...

Being “Undefeated” is Different In BJJ Than In Other Combat Sports

„Undisputed and undefeated!“ How many times have you heard those words in the world of martial arts and combat sports? Probably quite a few, but chances are that you’ve rarely – if ever...

Top Competitor Advises To Study More BJJ And Train Less

If you are an up and coming competitor, you might come to believe that putting in more training sessions and more live rolls is the way to develop your skill level. And it makes sense, right? Well,...

Braulio Estima & Buchecha Share Their Competition Mindset Secrets

Ah yes, the pleasures of competing… The sweaty palms, the nervous laughter and making jokes with teammates in order to make the time pass by just a little bit faster. Tournaments and matches...

You’ve Been Doing It Wrong; This Is The Secret To An Effective Lockdown in BJJ

A lot of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners think that the Lockdown is just about, well, locking your opponent’s leg – but it’s not that simple. Coach Magnus Hansson, from 10th Planet...

How Do Great Passers Constantly Switch Directions

If you’ve been watching high level BJJ competition matches for a while, you’ve probably seen that a lot of the top ranking jiujiteiros frequently change directions when they guard pass,...

Make Your Grappling Game More Aggressive With These 3 Small Adjustments

It seems that there are nowadays many people complaining that BJJ has become „too soft“ – with a lot of critics pointing towards the stalling nature of most matches, where competitors aim to...

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Competition

Source: US Grappling Weight Cutting: Two days before a tournament is not the time to decide you will experiment with weight cutting. Weight cutting is a process. Weight cutting takes practice. Weight...

Pitbull Regard, No Gi Cup in Slovakia on Dec 8 2012

The Info on the poster says it all. Make sure to check out all regfional tournaments here on The BJJ Eastern Europe Tournament list: https://www.bjjee.com/competition-calendar/