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Kit Dale: “Not Having A Good Gripping Game In BJJ Is Like Trying To Ride A Bike With No Handlebar”

How good is your gripping game in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Well, if you want to become better in BJJ, then it’s your gripping game that has to get better first; for, almost all things in Jiu-Jitsu...

Kade & Tye Ruotolo Demonstrate The Buggy Choke Setup That Doesn’t Require Flexibility

The Buggy Choke has gained some notoriety in 2021, as it’s been applied across many Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and grappling tournaments and competitions. And perhaps nobody got as...

Your Training Partners Will Love The “Leg Nelson” Technique… Or Maybe Not

Kesa-Gatame aka scarf hold in grappling terms, is categorized as a side control hold. Kesa-Gatame occurs naturally with many Judo throws where tori wraps an arm around uke’s waist, if tori...

Fool Them Into Thinking They’ve Got Your Back – Reverse Position & Establish Side Control

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a great martial art with a seemingly endless array of techniques to be learned and practiced. And while technical knowledge is absolutely necessary when attempting to...

If Your Wrestling is Terrible, Then You’ve Got To Learn The Russian Tie

Did you know that wrestling can actually be quite simple? It sure can, if you dedicate yourself to learning and perfecting a set number of techniques, until you can hit them automatically. One of...

This Reverse Triangle Choke Setup From The Back Is The Easiest One You’ll Learn

Whenever you have your training partner’s back, you have multiple submission options. ADCC competitor Josh Cisneros bait opponents into giving him EXACTLY wha he needs to enter the “Black...

Opponent Stood Up In Your Guard? Surprise Them With This Armbar Setup

If you have your opponent in Closed Guard, then their best bet is to try and stand up as soon as possible – and go for the break along the way. But even as they do this, you can still go for an...

Jeff Glover Has Tremendous Half Guard Strategies – It’s Time You Learn Them

You should never become the sort of a BJJ student who has only one or two options from any given position. That “strategy” simply won’t work as you climb through the ranks and...

Do You Know This Basic Pass to Side Control? Gordon Ryan Demonstrates

If you have been doing BJJ for any length of time you have asked yourself this question! Rickson Gracie once said, “the guard is the heart and soul of jiu jitsu”. If you haven’t already...

Try One Of The Weirdest Triangle Choke Setups – The Helicopter Triangle

The triangle choke from guard is one of the first submissions that you will typically learn in BJJ. It is highly effective and will work at all levels. There are so many ways to set up a triangle...

This Toehold From Side Control Is Super Cool – And Super Effective

Isn’t it the case that when you’re in Side Control, that your training partners often defend by pushing you away from them? Especially if you go for the Crossface. Well, when they push...

Mica Galvao On How To Get Better and Learn Faster in Jiu-Jitsu

Every Jiu-Jitsu practitioner wants to get better in BJJ as fast as possible, right? Yup, we know that’s true for you as well. And so… How are you supposed to go about it? How are you...

The “Heisting Loop Choke” by Nicholas Meregali Is One Of The Best BJJ Chokes

One of the most amazing things about training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in a gi is the multitude of choking techniques you can choose from. In other words: you have many more opportunities for choking...

Try This Triangle Choke Setup from K-Guard – It’s So Simple

The triangle choke from guard is one of the first submissions that you will typically learn in BJJ. It is highly effective and will work at all levels. There are so many ways to set up a triangle...

Passing Half Guard Has Never Been So Easy – Learn These Tips From Nicolas Renier

If you have been doing BJJ for any length of time you have asked yourself this question! Rickson Gracie once said, “the guard is the heart and soul of jiu jitsu”. If you haven’t already...

Triangle Choke Not Working? That’s Okay – Go For The Reverse Triangle Instead

The triangle choke from guard is one of the first submissions that you will typically learn in BJJ. It is highly effective and will work at all levels. There are so many ways to set up a triangle...

The Front Helicopter Kneebar Is A Vicious BJJ Leg Lock Technique

Yes, Leg Lock setups can be complicated. Really complicated, with multiple steps that have to be on spot if the submission is to work. However, you can choose the setups that aren’t as...

Advice For BJJ Beginners: Learn How To Grip Fight

How good is your grip? And what about grip fighting… Have you managed to improve in it lately? If you’re not as good as you’d like to be, then you’ve got to practice it as often as possible....

This Low Knee Shield & Loop Choke Setup… Is Your New Favorite Combination

Okay, hear us out: the Knee Shield isn’t good just for your defense. Yes, we understand that you’re mostly a defensive player, but why not use this wonderful position in order to set up...

Never Tap To An Omoplata Again – With These Escapes by Bernardo Faria

The Omoplata is often one of those elusive submissions. Your opponents see it coming and try to elude getting submitted by either staying extremely tight with their elbows or by “slipping...

Forcing Half Guard Is The Solution For Your Guard Passing Problems

If you have been doing BJJ for any length of time you have asked yourself this question! Rickson Gracie once said, “the guard is the heart and soul of jiu jitsu”. If you haven’t already...

The “Cobra Coil Leg Lock” Is As Terrifying As It Sounds

Yes, Leg Lock setups can be complicated. Really complicated, with multiple steps that have to be on spot if the submission is to work. However, you can choose the setups that aren’t as...

Having Trouble Passing Guard? Go For The Side-To-Side Torreando Passes

Sometimes, the simple solution is the most effective one. So, when you can’t pass your opponent’s or training partner’s guard – and they are in a supine (back on the mat)...

These Escapes Will Make You Guillotine-Proof in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

The Guillotine Choke is one of the most versatile submissions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, as it can be set up from all sorts of different positions. And it’s one of the coolest submissions to set...