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Victor Hugo Shows The Most Powerful BJJ Kneebar

The Kneebar is one of the most devastating submission techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For, if you don’t tap quickly enough, there is one thing that you can be sure of – serious walking...

This Heel Hook Setup Is As Brutal As It Looks Like

Heel Hooks are, without a doubt, one of the most vicious submissions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Especially because there isn’t too much space between feeling something is off… And getting...

Have You Tried This (Super Painful) Straight Ankle Lock Submission?

The Straight Ankle Lock was probably the first Leg Lock technique that you were taught. And you’ve, probably, somewhat ditched it as soon as you found out about Heel Hooks. But here’s the...

Garry Tonon Has The Coolest Heel Hook Setup – From Butterfly Guard

The Butterfly Guard position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a super versatile one. There is a number of attacking options that you can go for from there – and no, it’s not limited just to...

Here’s How To Get The Heel Hook From Reverse De La Riva Guard

The reverse De La Riva guard is a great type of guard for keeping an aggressive passing opponent at bay and under control, and eventually transitioning to various sweeps, takedowns, back takes and...

Josh Barnett Shows A Neat Catch Wrestling Leg Lock Variation

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel Hooks. If so, then you’re in for a treat. If you’re...

Craig Jones Demonstrates An Omoplata To Leg Locks Transition

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel Hooks. If so, then you’re in for a treat. This setup by Craig...

Here’s A Simple Way To Ankle Lock From Back Control

There are several things that constitute good back control in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For instance, getting your seatbelt grip is often the safest thing to do to establish control, while staying as...

Here’s How To Counter The Saddle – With An Outside Heel Hook

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel Hooks. If so, then you’re in for...

This Kneebar Setup Is Unlike Anything You’ve Seen Before

Leg locks have exploded in popularity over the last several years in competitive grappling. Although leg locks were once shunned by the BJJ community, their effectiveness has never been in doubt....

Josh Barnett Shows The “Razor Lock Kneebar” – It’s As Terrifying As It Sounds

Leg locks have exploded in popularity over the last several years in competitive grappling. Although leg locks were once shunned by the BJJ community, their effectiveness has never been in doubt....

Here’s A Super Nasty Kneebar Setup From The Cradle Position

The cradle is a basic technique in amateur wrestling. Its name refers to the move’s similarity to the way a person holds an infant in their arms. The wrestler performs the cradle by grabbing the...

You’ll Use This Butterfly Guard To Heel Hook Setup All The Time

The Butterfly Guard is great for setting up Leg Lock attacks! The butterfly guard is one of the simplest, yet most effective open guard in BJJ. It can be used against opponents of any size as it...

Craig Jones Shows How To Execute The “Dog Bar” Submission In Jiu-Jitsu

Are you someone who’s really into Body Lock or over under guard passing? And you’re also a real fan of Leg Locks? Well, then you’re in for a treat: as there’s a surprisingly...

You’ve Got To Learn These Superb Foot Lock Breaking Mechanics

The straight ankle lock (depending on how it is performed is known in judo as an akiresuken-gatame or ashi-hishigi) is what is usually thought of as an ankle lock. It is typically performed using the...

Leg Lock Defense Technique: The Roll Through

Ah, the Heel Hook… Every submission grappler’s dream and nightmare at the same time – it just depends whether you’re on the giving or the receiving end of it. However, if your Heel Hook...

This Grip Is Super Effective Against Heel Hooks & Other Leg Locks

Ah, the Heel Hook… Every submission grappler’s dream and nightmare at the same time – it just depends whether you’re on the giving or the receiving end of it. However, if your Heel Hook...

How To Leg Lock Bigger & Heavier Opponents?

For a lot of people, Leglocks sometimes carry a sort of a stigma with them. They are either frowned upon, for they are regarded as „dirty“ techniques (such as the case is with Wristlocks in some...

Tom DeBlass Shows An Easy Kneebar Setup From Butterfly Guard

Most of us get caught up using our half guard to try to control the weight and pressure our opponents are able to inflict on us, while we are desperately trying not to let them pass our guards. Last...

Here’s A Great Toe Hold Setup Off The Berimbolo

Whether you like it or not, the Berimbolo is an incredibly difficult technique to defend against when executed properly by an experienced practitioner. Some may choose to stay away from it, and...

Try This Unique “Russian Knot” Leg Lock Position Entry

Leglock submissions are alive and kicking! It seems like lower body attacks will not go out of fashion soon and how else could it be, when time after time we witness their efficiency on the highest...

Stuck In A De La Riva Guard? Go For The Saddle

Leglock submissions are alive and kicking! It seems like lower body attacks will not go out of fashion soon and how else could it be, when time after time we witness their efficiency on the highest...

Craig Jones Shows One Of The Nastiest Heel Hooks You’ll Ever See

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel Hooks. If so, then you’re in for...

This Heel Hook Setup Is One Of The Most Devastating Ones

Would you like to become known as the athlete who wins BJJ matches fast, perhaps in the opening seconds? Then your best bet would be to go for a Leg Lock. More specifically – for the Heel Hook....