Tag Archive: belt promotion, BJJ belt, bjj belt promotion, gauntlet, Tom DeBlass
Tom DeBlass Shares Thoughts On The Gauntlet: “Most Idiotic Sh*t Ever”
Feb 04, 2025BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Tom DeBlass Shares Thoughts On The Gauntlet: “Most Idiotic Sh*t Ever”
The gauntlet, a long-debated ritual in the BJJ community, involves newly promoted students walking between two lines of practitioners who strike them with their belts. The practice is believed to...Chris Haueter Proposes Revolutionary Simplification Of The BJJ Belt System
Dec 16, 2024BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Chris Haueter Proposes Revolutionary Simplification Of The BJJ Belt System
Chris Haueter, one of the original “Dirty Dozen” non-Brazilian BJJ black belts, recently proposed a revolutionary simplification of the BJJ belt system. Inspired by traditional Japanese martial...This Is How Your Instructor Decides Who To Promote
Feb 27, 2024BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on This Is How Your Instructor Decides Who To Promote
It’s a fact: you’ve been training consistently and you’re always in class on time. You don’t skip warm-ups and you give your absolute best every time you drill, roll and...It’s Your Obligation to Smash Lower Belts in Jiu-Jitsu
Apr 16, 2021BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on It’s Your Obligation to Smash Lower Belts in Jiu-Jitsu
If you’re a higher level BJJ belt, it is likely the case that you often go easy on the lower belts. And probably for a good reason – you don’t want to get their spirits crushed and...Are You Capable Enough To Be a Jiu Jitsu Instructor As A PURPLE BELT?
Feb 21, 2021BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Are You Capable Enough To Be a Jiu Jitsu Instructor As A PURPLE BELT?
So you’re a purple belt now? Congratulations! You already fell so deep into the BJJ rabbit hole that you probably won’t ever be pulled back out; in other words, your love for Jiu Jitsu is...Tie Your Belt Properly – In Jiu Jitsu, Everything Makes The Difference
Feb 15, 2021BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Tie Your Belt Properly – In Jiu Jitsu, Everything Makes The Difference
For real, though… Is the way you tie your belt really so important? Why can’t you just tie it into whichever knot you wish to, and get going with your training? Well, the type of a knot...Becoming A BJJ Black Belt Is Much More Than Having Great Technique
Jan 07, 2021BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Becoming A BJJ Black Belt Is Much More Than Having Great Technique
What would you say is the most important thing for receiving a BJJ black belt? Sure enough, it’s the techniques and the proficiency you’ll use them with. You just can’t get your...How To Keep Improving In BJJ When Rolling Only With Lower Belts
Dec 14, 2020BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on How To Keep Improving In BJJ When Rolling Only With Lower Belts
Not every Jiujiteiro trains at a big academy, with loads of different people and different belt ranks. Some train at smaller gyms, with just a handful of training partners, where they may be on top...So You Got Overlooked at the Latest BJJ Belt Promotion. What Now?
Sep 14, 2020BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on So You Got Overlooked at the Latest BJJ Belt Promotion. What Now?
Yes, we know… That belt promotion just happened and, well, you didn’t really participate in any part of it other than, perhaps, the gauntlet or the shark tank. To put it more bluntly –...Here’s What Your BJJ Game Will Look Like At Each Belt Level
May 11, 2020BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Here’s What Your BJJ Game Will Look Like At Each Belt Level
Your overarching goal in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu should always be to become better; to progress as much as you can, while enjoying your path with the experiences and friends you make along the way. So,...Is Your Belt Too Long And Keeps Falling Off? Try This!
Dec 19, 2019BJJEE1 AdminComments Off on Is Your Belt Too Long And Keeps Falling Off? Try This!
However important as it may be to know as many principles and techniques as possible, it is equally important to know the very basics – for example, how to tie your belt properly! Even though that...