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Kit Dale Shares Best Way To Learn BJJ: “Doing Hip Escapes Is Unrealistic…”

What do your warm ups look like at the moment? Lots of running, Hip Escapes, and loads of front rolls? Well, if that’s the case… Kit Dale thinks that what you’re doing is sort of...

Andre Galvao Explains The Worst Way To Lose In Jiu-Jitsu

What’s the worst way to lose in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu match? Is it in the opening seconds? Is it by a submission that’s so low percentage that you’d rather never compete than be...

No, You Don’t Need To Be Excellent At Everything In Jiu-Jitsu (To Become Successful)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners often think that they need to be excellent at everything in order to become successful on the mats. That they need to excel at as many positions, techniques,...

Are You Paying Attention To Your Stance In Jiu-Jitsu?

There are a lot of things that you should be paying attention to in Jiu-Jitsu… All of them equally important. And, yet, some things are “more equal” than others. For example, one...

Competence, Not Perfection Is The Goal In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

You’re really hyped up about training, aren’t you? And you’d like to get every single detail of every single technique right, to surpass all of your training partners in all aspects...

BJJ Advice: Get Comfortable With Closing Distance

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that doesn’t work too well from too far away. Rather, if you want to “make things happen”, you have to close distance first. However, this can...

John Danaher Discusses Fastest Way To Learn Submissions In BJJ

Everyone wants to improve as fast as possible, as soon as possible in Jiu-Jitsu, right? Yeah, we know – you included. And that’s awesome, because it can motivate you to put in the extra...

These Highly Effective Habits Will Transform Your Jiu-Jitsu

No, Jiu-Jitsu isn’t just about the techniques, the details, nor even about the concepts you know how to do… And yes, even though mindset is as important, it’s not all-pervading. In...

Gordon Ryan Reveals What Every BJJ White Belt & Blue Belt Should Focus On

If you’re a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu white or blue belt, then you know how difficult it can sometimes be to focus on the right things. On the things that make most sense to you, your progress, and...

Mikey Musumeci Explains How You Should Learn BJJ As A White Belt

If you’ve only getting started on your Jiu-Jitsu journey, and if you’re not really sure what you’re supposed to do… It can be difficult to see what’s over the...

Tye Ruotolo: “It’s Important To Have The Ambition To Learn”

One of the most important things for success in Jiu-Jitsu (or any other endeavor, for that matter) is the drive and willingness to learn. To improve and perfect your skill set. Strangely enough...

BJJ Advice: Unsure What To Do? Go For The Back

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art of many options. There are so many things that can happen during a roll, so many variations to any given situation, that you can never know what might happen...

BJJ Advice: Don’t Try To Learn Everything

One of the most exciting things about Jiu-Jitsu is that there’s so much to learn! No matter how much you know, there’re always more techniques, more details, more setups to learn and more...

Kit Dale: “You’ve Got To Make Every Single Mistake In Jiu-Jitsu”

What is the best way to improve as fast as possible in Jiu-Jitsu? Is it to ask that highly-revered black belt about all of their “secrets”; their advice and tips, learning them as soon as...

Nicholas Meregali Reveals 2 Concepts For Playing Guard (In The Gi)

Playing guard isn’t really “simple”, is it? Especially in the gi, because there are a lot more grips (and, therefore, options) to take into consideration. Well, there is a way to...

The Most Important Skill In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Not What You Think)

What’s the most important skill in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Is it a certain submission technique that will make you so much better at tapping people out? Is it knowing how to defend and escape...

John Danaher’s BJJ & Life Advice: “For Everything You Do, Ask One Question…”

Jiu-Jitsu has a weird way of making your life better… And not just in terms of health and fitness – but also when it comes to the way you think about things. After all, BJJ is a lot about...

BJJ Pro Tip: Use As Little Effort As Possible

Have you ever rolled against a black belt who seemingly used zero effort, zero energy… And still smashed you? How did it feel? Yeah, it probably both sucked and was awesome at the same time,...

John Danaher’s Advice: “Live A Life Dominated By Routine”

Here’s the truth: if you want to become successful in anything – including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – then that’s going to take some sacrifice. Sacrifice, not just in terms of the...

Nicholas Meregali Shares Wholesome Advice: “Bet On Yourself”

If you want to succeed, in whichever area of your life – be it on the Jiu-Jitsu mats, your career, family… Whatever – then there is one important thing you have to do. And that...

BJJ Advice: Define The Goal & You’ve Won Half The Battle

Okay, stop doing whatever you’re doing for a second. And think about your last training session. Think: what were you trying to accomplish during your rolls? What was your goal? If your answer...

BJJ Advice: Play It Loose To Learn & Improve

Be honest with us for a second: when it comes to new positions and techniques in Jiu-Jitsu, how do you usually go about them in training? Do you find yourself to be too “tight” when...

The Danger Of Being Too Defensive In BJJ: “It’s Hard To Get Better That Way”

Wouldn’t it be cool if you were never submitted in Jiu-Jitsu? Like, no matter the skill level of your opponent? Well, Brian Glick says that it is possible to develop this sort of a...

Nicholas Meregali: “It’s Not About Money – Skills Come First & They Will Last Forever”

So you want to create a name for yourself, right? Be it in grappling or some other field… You want to be known as that guy/woman. As someone who is respected and, in a way, maybe even feared by...