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This Shin To Shin Ankle Pick Works Great In The Gi (Use The Lapel)

The Shin To Shin is one of the most resourceful guards from seated position in Jiu-Jitsu – simply because it offers a lot of attacking opportunities. And not just when it comes to sweeps, leg...

John Danaher Shows Why You Need To Use The Ankle Pick More

How often do you use the Ankle Pick in Jiu-Jitsu? No, not just when it comes to your stand up game, but also when it comes to attacking your opponent from the bottom? Yeah, probably not as often as...

Vagner Rocha Explains How To Do The Ankle Pick Takedown

The Ankle Pick is such a great takedown for jiujiteiros – even though it does (as all techniques do, truth be told) require a bit of practice and repetition in order to pull it off more...

You Need To Try This Ankle Pick Setup – It’s Super Simple

It’s impossible for any serious BJJ practitioner to have too many throws in his/her arsenal. That’s because you might have a hard time getting some opponents down with certain techniques, while...

You’ve Got To Learn This Ankle Pick Takedown Technique

It’s impossible for any serious BJJ practitioner to have too many throws in his/her arsenal. That’s because you might have a hard time getting some opponents down with certain techniques, while...

This Knee On Belly Escape To Ankle Pick Setup Is Ridiculously Simple

Do you struggle when your training partners and opponents hit you with the Knee On Belly position? When they’re having so much fun with it? The Knee On Belly doesn’t just hurt the body,...

Effective & Easy Ankle Pick Takedown With Robert Drysdale

The Ankle Pick is such a great takedown for jiujiteiros – even though it does (as all techniques do, truth be told) require a bit of practice and repetition in order to pull it off more...