
Why the Turkish Get-Up is So Important for Jiu Jitsu Practitioners

Why the Turkish Get-Up is So Important for Jiu Jitsu Practitioners

Written by Joey Alvarado, creator of Kettle-Jitsu

Turkish Get Ups are one of the initial exercises that I knew had a direct connection to MMA and Bjj. The mechanics of the TGU are almost identical to a movement in BJJ called, Standing up in base.

Most traditional Bjj dojos practice this via body weight on a daily basis. Standing up in base has many applications in jiu jitsu. It has also evolved into a movement necessary for the “scrambling aspect” of Mixed Martial Arts. Scrambling is the art of regaining the standing position in an MMA fight. If you are not good at scrambling, then you will have a shot career in MMA. So, drilling the mechanics of Standing up in base, which I now call the Brazilian Get up, is a must.

Muscles used with the turkish get up:


In the enclosed video, I have several variations of the TGU and Brazilian get up and some applications with a partner. Implement these into your mma and kb training and you will experience tremendous gains!

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