
Andre Galvao’s Pre-ADCC Circuit Training

Andre Galvao’s Pre-ADCC Circuit Training



Check out a part of Andre Galvao’s strength and conditioning workout that he used before his winning super fight vs Roberto Cyborg at ADCC 2015.

#CircuitTraining: here I’m doing a circuit training of explosion and intensity during my routine #ADCC camp this year. I did it Right after some Of the night class – jiujitsu session.
I love circuits, specially those who needs to put a lot of work on the legs.
I’m ready! I trained super hard for this fight. I will do my best again %. I love what I do. Thanks Lord!


[fbvideo link=https://www.facebook.com/169796936379308/videos/vb.169796936379308/1183253901700268/?type=2&theater]

#CircuitTraining: here I’m doing a circuit training of explosion and intensity during my routine #ADCC camp this year. I did it Right after some Of the night class – jiujitsu session. I love circuits, specially those who needs to put a lot of work on the legs. I’m ready! I trained super hard for this fight. I will do my best again %. I love what I do. Thanks Lord! #ReflectingTheLightOfTheKingdomOnEarth #IwasBornForIt #Focus #Cardio #Awareness #Confidence #Moment #HardWork #Life #Kingdom #Ready #BackToBack #JesusChrist Kingz Kimonos. Choke Republic. FightersMarket.com. @healthGrubSD haleo.com Atos Jiujitsu – San Diego, Ca…#Circuito: aqui estou fazendo um round de um dos circuitos executado durante o meu Camp para o ADCC este ano. Esse eu fiz depois de uma das aulas da noite logo após a aula de jiujitsu. Eu gosto de circuitos, principalmente aqueles que queimam as pernas como este aqui. To pronto, me sentindo bem! Vou mais uma vez ir lá e dar o meu %. Obrigado Jesus! #RefletindoALuzDoReinoNaTerra#PraIssoQueEuNasci#Focado #Atos #Confiança #Alerta #Pronto #Momento #oReinoNaTerra #TrabalhoDuro #DeVoltaSaoPaulo #Jesus

Posted by Andre Galvao Fan Page – Official on Monday, August 24, 2015

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