Jiu-Jitsu Videographer and BJJ black belt Stuart Cooper is living a great lifestyle. For the past 7 years, he’s been travelling the world training Jiu-Jitsu and filming amazing documentaries.
He has made documentaries for stars such as Rodolfo Viera, Marcus Buchecha, Braulio Estima, Andre Galvao, Leandro Lo, Marcelo Garcia, Keenan Cornelius, and many others, he had the chance to train and learn from them.
He will be doing a seminar tour of Poland. The price of the seminar is 150 zł for 2.5 hours (half gi, half no gi). Each participant will get a T-shirt from the company Pit Bull West Coast produced especially for the occasion. Everything will be recorded by Stuart as a material for another documentary for Stuart Cooper Films. This time on the Polish BJJ scene !
Seminar dates:
11.06 Gdynia
12.06 Poznan
13.06 Wroclaw
14.06 Kraków
15.06 Olsztyn
16.06 Warszawa
17.06 Łódź
Clubs and the exact hour will be given soon.
Link to the event Stuart Cooper seminars in Poland and Polish film about BJJ .
Stuart Cooper on seminar tour in oland and documentary about Polish BJJ:
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.