April 20 at 12:00am until April 30 at 12:00am7 days Camp amd Last 3 days Fighting in Brazilian Nationals
Everyday classes run by Igor Silva and Abi-Rihan, and 3 Superstar Seminers during the Camp!
… * full breakfast (suplemments included), a person washing, organizing and cleaning the house.
* transportion vehicle to perform all programming schedule
* all of group classes at the Abi-Rihan´s Academy (6 days per week)
* all you can eat one time a day (free buffet and barbecue) for 10 days
* 1 rule seminar, 1 mma seminar, 2 bjj seminars with top levels
* closed classes for turkish group (with Igor/Abi-Rihan)
* alternative activities like outdoor running, Ginástica Natural, forest treking
* BJJ Brazilian Nationals Fees
* 1 Keiko Raça Gi (with BJJ Lifestyle logo)
* 1 customized mouthpiece
Some other blackbelts will show up during the Camp…. Such as Yan Cabral (he beat
Sakuraba on his last fight by submission)
For more information:
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.