
BJJ CAMP in Rio de Janeiro with Ertan Balaban, Igor Silva, Rafael Abi-Rihan and Jacare Souza!

April 20 at 12:00am until April 30 at 12:00am7 days Camp amd Last 3 days Fighting in Brazilian Nationals
Everyday classes run by Igor Silva and Abi-Rihan, and 3 Superstar Seminers during the Camp!

Price includes:

* full breakfast (suplemments included), a person washing, organizing and cleaning the house.
* transportion vehicle to perform all programming schedule
* all of group classes at the Abi-Rihan´s Academy (6 days per week)
* all you can eat one time a day (free buffet and barbecue) for 10 days
* 1 rule seminar, 1 mma seminar, 2 bjj seminars with top levels
* closed classes for turkish group (with Igor/Abi-Rihan)
* alternative activities like outdoor running, Ginástica Natural, forest treking
* BJJ Brazilian Nationals Fees
* 1 Keiko Raça Gi (with BJJ Lifestyle logo)
* 1 customized mouthpiece

Some other blackbelts will show up during the Camp…. Such as Yan Cabral (he beat
 Sakuraba on his last fight by submission)

For more information:

Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.

Welcome to SLOTH Jiu-jitsu – the ultimate programme for conserving energy, utilising body weight and taking your time! An especially effective strategy for older or less athletic competitors, but suitable and highly recommended for all jiu-jitsu practitioners. 12 chapters taught in person by 3rd Degree BJJ Black Belt Gile Huni.