
Result for: rickson gracie

Rickson Gracie: The (Sport Jiu-Jitsu) Rules Today Go Against What I Believe – They’re Really Crooked!

  Much can be said about the rules and the liberal ways many IBJJF referees apply them nowadays. Still there’s perhaps a bigger problem in the spirit of the rules themselves. This is...

Rickson Gracie Black Belt Kevin Casey’s Latest Music Video: ‘Never’

MMA fighter, BJJ black belt and rap artist Kevin Casey has released his latest song inspired by MMA and BJJ: Casey was born in Inglewood, California. He began to study Brazilian jiu-jitsu in 1995...

Rickson Gracie’s Method For Facing Your Fears

Claustrophobia is the fear of being enclosed in a small space or room and having no escape. It can be triggered by many situations or stimuli, including elevators crowded to capacity, windowless...

Lessons From Rickson Gracie: Connection, ‘Tighten The Rope’

  Guest post by Brandon Hetzler  who is a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu black bet under Rickson & Kron Gracie, 7 and creator of Jugoshin Ryu JuJutsu.   “Tighten the rope”. This was...

Rickson Gracie On People Simultaneously Training at Different BJJ Academies

Team switching in Jiu-Jitsu is a very controversial topic that will always provoke different points of views and arguments among the BJJ community. Throughout Jiu-Jitsu history, there have always...

How To Set Up The Famous Rickson Gracie Rear Naked Choke

  Rickson Gracie is known for his Mata Leao (rear naked choke) and his armbar.   Gracie academy black belt Ty Gay learned the ‘Rickson Rear Naked Choke’ directly from Henry...

How To Strengthen Your Neck Like Rickson Gracie

  Guest post by Dr Kickass, Mike Piekarski, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Former MMA Fighter, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu brown belt. Follow him on instagram.   Having a strong neck is essential...

Rickson Gracie Comments On Learning BJJ Online & Online Belt Promotions

  Earlier this year,  an article on BJJEE revealed that BJJ instructor Roy Harris now offers to grade and promote students that he has never seen in person all the way to BJJ brown belt 2nd...

Surf Legend Kelly Slater on Training w/ BJJ Royalty: Rickson Gracie, Mendes Bros, Buchecha

Surf and Jiu-Jitsu have a lot in common as both are a lifestyle. Many surfers train Jiu-Jitsu. Among the most famous ones are Joel Tudor (BJJ black belt) and the Michael Jordan of Surfing: Kelly...

Rickson Gracie Black Belt Henry Akins: ‘I Teach Moves People Already Know but More Efficiently’

    Henry Akins is third American to receive a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu black belt from legendary fighter Rickson Gracie. Akins trained under Rickson Gracie for 15 years. Akins became the head...

RICKSON GRACIE: Basics Win Fights

  The legend Rickson Gracie showing us all that basic and perfectly applied Jiu-Jitsu is what will save you in the street and wins fights. Rickson Gracie is a Brazilian 8th degree black and red...

Rickson Gracie Secrets: Cross Side ‘Heavy As A Dead Whale’

Kron Gracie, the son of Rickson Gracie talks about the difference between the styles of Jiu-Jitsu of his grandfather, Helio Gracie and his father Rickson Gracie. For Kron, Helio Gracie should be...

Rickson Gracie in Paradise: Tahiti, French Polynesia

  Jiu-Jitsu’s popularity is growing all over the world. Last weekend, the legendary Rickson Gracie was in Tahiti, French Polynesia conducting a seminar to a selected 60 BJJ BJJ players....

Behind The Scenes At The Historic Rener-Rickson Gracie Meeting

  Exciting times for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Earlier this week, the BJJ world went crazy when Gracie Academy/University’s Rener Gracie posted a picture of himself with his uncle Rickson...

Watch: Kevin Casey in BJJ Match Coached by Rickson Gracie

  Watch UFC fighter King Kevin Casey competing as a Blue belt for Rickson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu back on Sunday, April 28, 2002, coached by the legendary Rickson Gracie himself. Also, watch young Kron...

Rickson Gracie to Host The Biggest Event in the History of Jiu-Jitsu

  Jiu Jitsu Global Conference Long Beach, California June 6th, 2016 The Carpenter Performing Arts CenterLong Beach State The biggest event in the history of Jiu Jitsu. Bringing the global Jiu...

Rare Video: Rickson Gracie Workout in Nature

  The great Rickson Gracie sharing some knowledge on his workouts in nature. From http://axissakadoamano.seesaa.net/

Loop choke off of the Koala Guard- Rickson Gracie Black Belt Luis Heredia

  Luis ‘Limao’ Heredia, a black belt under Rickson Gracie, shows a very easy to apply lapel choke when your opponent goes into the Koala guard.  

Rickson Gracie’s Statement on Gracie University & Online Blue Belts

  Photo: Jiu-Jitsu Style Magazine. 2 years ago, with all the controversy following Rener Gracie’s statment that ‘learning Jiu-Jitsu online is even more effective than in the...

Rare Japanese Documentary on Rickson Gracie in His Everyday Life

Check out this great Japanese documentary from the early 2000’s. You get to see Rickson spending time with a young Kron Gracie, hiking, surfing, eating etc…  

2 Legends Finally Meet: Rickson Gracie & Kazushi Sakuraba

  2 martial arts legends recently met in Japan: Rickson Gracie and Kazushi Sakuraba aka ‘The Gracie Hunter’. In the early and mid ’90s the Gracie family ruled the world of MMA, and...

What we learned from Rickson Gracie’s appearance in Joe Rogan’s podcast

For people like me, who enjoy the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and love Brazilian Jiujitsu it has always been a treat whenever Joe invites people who have extensive martial arts background and we can...

Interview w/ Dr Pete Goldman, Chiropractor to Rickson Gracie & BJ Penn

    If you train Jiu-Jitsu, you are sure to have some spinal problems.The spine is the life center of the human body. It controls every human function, such as, digestion, hormonal balance,...

Rickson Gracie: ‘Grapplers Must Also Learn To Strike’

    Royce and Rickson Gracie have been known to say that ‘Jiu-Jitsu is enough’ for a fight (street or MMA). However in a recent article written by Rickson for Black Belt...