
Result for: black belt

Judo Gene LeBell: “Wrestling is The Ancestor of Jiu-Jitsu, Judo & Sambo.

Gene LeBell is an American Judoka, instructor, stunt performer, and professional wrestler born. He has also worked on over 1,000 films and TV shows.  In 2000, the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation...

Heroic 6-Year-Old BJJ Practitioner Saves Sister From Dog Attack

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

The Heroic 6yr old Who Saved His Sister From a Dog Attack is a Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner

Bridger, a six-year-old boy from Wyoming, USA saved his little sister from a dog attack and ended up needing 90 stitches to his face. Bridger Walker’s aunt shared details of the attack on...

New Batman Robert Pattinson is Training Jiu-Jitsu with Rigan Machado

  Over the years jiu jitsu has become the refuge of many A listers – among them Guy Ritchie, Ashton Kutcher, Chuck Norris, Paul Walker, Scarlet Johanson and others. Looks like one of the...

How to use Jiu-Jitsu as a Positive Force to Improve Your Life

One of the most common things you will hear from long time Jiu Jitsu practitioners is how Jiu Jitsu helped them transform their life in better. But how does Jiu Jitsu do that? What can you do to help...

Who Was Oscar Gracie? Find Out In The „Closed Guard: The Origins of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil“ Documentary

Even at first glance, you will notice that the history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is full of interesting things. Of exhilarating details that have played a very important role in how the Gentle Art has...

Want to Get Better at Takedowns? Learn to Grip Fight

I didn’t start training judo until I was already a blue belt in jiu-jitsu. When I did start judo, most of my training was done in a basic “by the book” way. Start with standard grips (right...

Gi Review: The Beautiful Practise Gi from Athletes On The Mat

I was really happy when the guys from BJJ lifestyle wear company ‘Athletes On The Mat’  & instagram page me a really nice BJJ Practise Gi. Athletes on the Mat (ATHOM) are a BJJ wear...

Gi Review: The Beautiful Managura V4 Gi from Athletes On The Mat

I was really happy when the guys from BJJ lifestyle wear company ‘Athletes On The Mat’  & instagram page me a really nice black Managura V4 BJJ Gi . Athletes on the Mat are a BJJ wear...

If You’re Breathing Through Your Mouth During A Roll You’re Using Too Much Strength

Photo by Daria Kochetkova Photography. IG: Tebezvonu. There are many different schools of thought when it comes to how intense you should be rolling day in and out. Intensity often gets...

Why Open Your Own BJJ Academy?

Article written by Luke at bjj-asia.com  Luke wrote this article as he was opening his own BJJ academy in Bangkok, Thailand These are important questions you must ask yourself before you take the...

Getting Crushed In Half Guard? Use Your Lockdown To Release Pressure

Yeah… You were supposed to frame when you’re in the Half Guard, remember? Well, obviously you didn’t. Your opponent found their way with an underhook and is now crushing you with...

The Fishing Pole Guard is The Perfect Solution To Your Opponent’s Smash Pass

The leg lace smash pass is a widely used pass in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Grappler’s Guide Michael Perez has a few great counters for it though – so tune in and read on! FIRST VARIATION Michael...

Struggling with Your Half-Guard? Do This

John Danaher once said, “the older you are, the more you need to play half guard”. Mr. Danaher is right because the half guard is one of the most frequently used positions at the master...

50 Ways How NOT to Become a State Wrestling Champion

50 plus Ways Not to Become a State Champion.   Written by Palmer Wrestling   1. Get a girlfriend during the wrestling season and break-up every other weekend. 2. Skip a wrestling tournament...

How to choose your first Gi?

So you want to buy your first Gi? It’s the first serious decision after you start training Bjj. When I started training there was only a submission wrestling class in my town. Then I moved to a...

The Lockdown is Actually More Effective in the Gi than in No Gi

To many, the Lockdown system by 10th Planet founder, Master Eddie Bravo’s, is almost exclusively used in a NoGi environment. Being a part of the clinching category of guards, the advantage of...

How To Modify The 5×5 Strength Training Program For Grapplers

So, you’ve been training Jiu Jitsu for a while and absolutely love it! However, you also want to become stronger and you figured out that BJJ, in and of itself, doesn’t help you too much...

Marcelo Garcia’s Tips: How to Improve in BJJ, Gi vs No Gi & Conditioning

Great advice from World BJJ and ADCC champ Marcelo Garcia on the best way to improve in BJJ, Gi vs No Gi, conditioning etc…Transcribed by royalgrapplingacademy from a youtube interview by Matt...

Keenan Cornelius Shares Best Way to Escape a Jiujitsu Triangle – And Not Get Armbarred In Process

Keenan Cornelius is one of the bannerman of ATOS in every way. He’s gained international popularity with the innovations he’s brought to the game including his staggering combinations of...

What’s The Best Way To Prepare For a High Intensity BJJ Competition Match?

    Much can be said about the various different types of preparation all designed to optimize an athlete’s performance at a particular event. But what is the ultimate cheat sheet for...

Better Tap Quickly: Electric Chair Sweep to Toe Hold Submission

Anyone who has been caught in the Lockdown can attest to how frustrating it is to get out, let alone to pass the guard. If you try forcing your leg out, you can end up hurting your knee, or if you...

Top 10 Mistakes That Everybody Makes in BJJ

Starting a demanding sport like Brazilian jiu-jitsu is very difficult. Regardless of talent, most of us have been guilty of making some of these mistakes, some even repeatedly! This is why...

Pedro Sauer Talks Challenge against 100lbs Heavier Wrestler and First Ever BJJ Class

  Pedro Sauer started bjj career as a small lanky teen Rickson Gracie brought to class one day when he was about 15 years old. Sauer described that experience as deeply humbling as he was...