
Result for: andrew wiltse

WNO: Andrew Wiltse, Kennedy Maciel & Ethan Crelinsten Sidelined

The Who’s Number One (WNO) two-day tournament will take place on September 25 and 26 – in two weeks time – and will feature eight-person brackets. However, the promotion just announced...

Andrew Wiltse on Sexual Misconduct in BJJ: “Fight Sports’ Situation Is Pretty Inexcusable”

Andrew Wiltse, other than being a superbly exciting athlete, is also known for his vocal and cut-to-the-chase demeanor. In the light of the recent sexual assault allegations scandals in the BJJ...

Andrew Wiltse Explains How to Stop The Seat-Up Guard Retention

So you’ve finally managed to somewhat break free of the opponent’s Spider Guard… And you’re going for the pass to Side Control. But to no avail: the opponent somehow manages...

Andrew Wiltse Issues PSA on Sexual Assault: “No Means No, You Pieces of Sh*t”

Andrew Wiltse, a multiple World and Pan champion, is one of the most exciting grapplers on the circuit both Gi and No Gi alike. Here’s a throwback to the Daisy Fresh’s star 75:0 run-down...

Who’s Number One (WNO): Craig Jones, Tye Ruotolo, Andrew Wiltse in 185-Pound Division

The Who’s Number One (WNO) two-day tournament will take place on September 25 and 26, featuring eight-person brackets. It’s been just recently that the promotion has released the full...

Kade Ruotolo Replaces Andrew Wiltse at “The Road to ADCC”

Andrew Wiltse vs. Roberto Jimenez was supposed to take place next Sunday, July 17, at “The Road to ADCC” event. However, the highly anticipated match took a turn to the worse, as it was...

Daisy Fresh’s Andrew Wiltse on the True Nature of Galvao & Team Atos: ‘Scumbags & Cheats’

At the recent ‘Who’s Number One’ event, Gordon Ryan shocked the BJJ community when he slapped Andre Galvao. After the dust was cleared, Ryan made a statement denouncing Team Atos and their...

Bird Wiltse Asks For Help: “I’m Still Financially Tied To Andrew – This Can No Longer Be The Case”

Sathya “Bird” Wiltse, brother of Andrew Wiltse and a former elite BJJ competitor as well, has recently opened a GoFundMe page – and asked for financial help. Bird shared his views of...

Improving Your BJJ With Wrestle-Ups

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

This Back Take Is Perfect Against Training Partners Who Love To Invert

Do you have a training partner or two who just love to invert and attack your legs… More specifically, Heel Hooks and Kneebars? If so, then here is a neat little back take that they...

Half Guard Passing: Flatten Your Opponent – And Make Your Job Easier

If you want to pass Half Guard, then it’s extremely important to flatten your opponent out. Not just because it negates their ability to attack you, but also because it will make their job...

BJJ 101: The Standing Guard Pass

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

Here’s How To Transition To Mount After Losing Back Control In BJJ

The Mount is the second-most dominant position you could get to in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But it can also be extremely difficult to transition into. Namely, when you get to the back, your training...

Triangle Submission & Strikes Thrown On Board Of A Singapore Train

It’s not every day that you see a BJJ submission applied in the streets… Especially in places like Singapore, which is consistently ranked as one of the safest cities in the world. And...

[Watch] Alleged Thief Controlled Effortlessly With BJJ Crucifix Position

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most effective martial arts for self defense, as well as one of the best ones from the legal standpoint – as you don’t have to hurt the other person in...

20 Best Submission Grapplers of the Modern Era You Must Know

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

This ‘Buzzsaw’ Guard Passing System Gives Guard Players Nightmares

If you’ve been watching high level BJJ competition matches for a while, you’ve probably seen that a lot of the top ranking jiujiteiros frequently change directions when they guard pass, going...

BJJ Black Belt Defeats Opponent 75-0 then Mercifully Submits Him

Daisyfresh’s breakout star Andrew Wiltse, a multiple world and Pan champion, now a black belt, is one of the most exciting grapplers on the circuit both Gi and No Gi. He has shows some great guard...

Who’s Number One (WNO): Pedro Marinho Out, Replaced by Jacob “The Hillbilly Hammer” Couch

Yet another blow was delivered to the WNO Championships 185-pound division, just days before the tournament. Pedro Marinho – who was a replacement for an injured Andrew Wiltse – is out of...

WNO Championship: Craig Jones Sidelined from Competition

The Who’s Number One (WNO) two-day tournament will take place on September 25 and 26 – in two weeks time – and will feature eight-person brackets. However, the promotion has just announced yet...

William Tackett to Replace Craig Jones at “The Road to ADCC”

Image Credit: FloGrappling Last week, Craig Jones broke his hand and was therefore forced to withdraw from a match against Lucas “Hulk” Barbosa at “The Road to ADCC”. Yesterday,...

Craig Jones Injured & Out of Match Against Lucas Barbosa (Road to ADCC)

One of the most exciting matches on the “Road to ADCC” card, which is to take place on July 17, between Craig Jones and Lucas “Hulk” Barbosa… Will have to wait a bit...

“Road to ADCC” Card Announced: Features Craig Jones, Kaynan Duarte, Nicky Ryan

Image Credit: ADCC/FloGrappling And we have an EXCITING event on our hands! On July 17, the “Road to ADCC” will take place and will feature many of the world’s top-ranking...

Who’s Number One: Kade Ruotolo Wins By Buggy Choke

Image Credit: Who’s Number One/FloGrappling Yesterday, on Friday – June 18 – we saw a stacked event at Who’s Number One. Many of the best No Gi Jiu-Jitsu athletes of the world...