
Result for: gabi garcia

IBJJF Worlds PLAY BY PLAY and Results, Saturday June 2

FOR SUNDAY’S PLAY BY PLAY, PLEASE GO HERE: http://www.bjjeasteurope.com/2012/06/ibjjf-worlds-play-by-play-sunday-june-3.html Tune in here at 9am California time or 6pm Paris or Belgrade time...

IBJJF Worlds Brown belts & Women’s black belt preview & predictions

My good friend Kris Novell did a great Worlds 2012 preview on his blog http://pullingtheline.com/  with Brown and Black belts as well as women’s black.Since we’ve already done the...

Exclusive interview with WPJJC gold & silver medalist and Russian cop, Lena Zenkevitch

Lena with Michelle Nicolini 1.Hi Lena can you please introduce yourself to our readers? Konichiwa everybody!  My name is Lena “Kimatsu” Zenkevitch. I live and train in Vologda, Russia, together...

WPJJ 2012 summary: Eastern European athletes shine!

Camil Moldoveanu of Romania This year’s Abu Dhabi World Pro BJJ is done and dusted. Eastern European athletes formed a big contingent and did not dissappoint! Maria Malyjasiak from Poland,...

2012 WPJJC results (blue, purple, black finals)

This list will be constantly updated. Eastern European athletes are in boldWatch the world pro live here!http://www.filmon.com/channel/79 Black belt results: -64KG: Fernando Vieira beat Thiago...

Abu Dhabi WPJJC day 2 results (all belts), includes Eastern Europeans!

Xande Ribeiro submitting Cara de Sapato to make it to the finals Tomorrow’s Black belt finals:-64KG: Fernando Vieira x Thiago Barreto-70KG: Raphael dos Santos x Samuel Canquerino-76KG: Lucas...

PAN AMS 2012 PLAY BY PLAY! Saturday March 31

Tune in here at 9am California time or 6pm Paris or Belgrade time on Saturday and Sunday (March 31 April 1rst)  for the live play by play right  here on BJJ EASTERN EUROPE!To go to Sunday April...

Top Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Fighters To Watch In 2024

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is renowned for its intricate techniques, strategic depth, and the unparalleled skill of its practitionerThe sport, which emphasizes ground fighting and submission, has...

20 Best Submission Grapplers of the Modern Era You Must Know

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champions on the planet. Named as the #1 ranked martial arts organization in Asia by...

Charges Dropped Against Female jiu jitsu Student Who Reduced ‘Aggressive’ Male Teacher To Tears

 Sydney Winder, left, right stock photo of a man crying   In BJJ one of the biggest pros when signing up kids is enabling them to stand up to abuse.  This is exactly happened to a 5ft 3 inches...

Cris Cyborg Rolls Hard With Man over At Cobrinha’s

    Cris Cyborg is a force to be reckoned with in many ways. Her choice of sparring partner alone would be enough to intimidate any female competitor, and let’s be honest – many...

Obelenyte: The Least IBJJF can do is Give Women’s Absolute A Greater Purse

    Equal pay is a global issue but it’s especially prominent in male dominated professions. This is the case with Brazilian jiu jitsu Luckily Dominyka Obelenyte is determined to...

UAEJJF Canceling Absolute Divisions for 2016-2017

    The United Arab Emirates Jiu Jitsu Federation (UAEJJF) is one of the most influential organizations around in brazilian jiu-jitsu and they’ve just decided that they want to...

(Video) Ultimate Grudge Match: Keenan Cornelius vs Tim Spriggs 2015 Pan

    This match happened in the 3rd round of the Open weight. Keenan Cornelius (Atos) and Tim Spriggs (TLI) were former team mates at Team lloyd Irvin. There has been some tension between...

(Video) Bernardo Faria Passes Leandro Lo’s Guard & Chokes Him With His Lapel

      In the open weight, Bernardo beat Alexander Trans and Luiz Panza, respectively, to reach the final with Leandro Lo. The student of Cicero Costha, beat Yuri Simões and Léo...

(Video) Bruno Malfacine Submits Caio Terra; 2015 Pan

    Brand new footage of Bruno Malfacine Submitting Caio Terra at the Pans World Championships 2015th, March 14th and 15th 2015 For a recap of the action, click here      ...

2012 Worlds Team Preview: Alliance

Source Ben Tharpa for Bloodyelbow Bloodyelbow did a great team preview for the 2012 Worlds. Here are the best parts: “As the 2012 Mundials kick off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, we bring...