
This Is What Meal Prepping With A Fulltime BJJ Competitor Looks Like

This Is What Meal Prepping With A Fulltime BJJ Competitor Looks Like

If you’re serious about your Jiu-Jitsu, then you’ve got to be serious about your diet as well. Great training requires a great meal – if you want to recover properly and perform greatly in class, that is.
Let’s take a look at what a fulltime BJJ competitor, Daniel, usually eats after training. It’s really simple and you’ll be able to apply it to your own diet as well.



Just to make one thing clear first. On the video, you’ll see an example of what a BJJ competitor eats. That is to say, you don’t have to eat as he does! What’s more, there isn’t a „perfect“ meal or diet for everyone. You’re an individual, whose body has its own particularities, so you’ll have to experiment a bit.
You will have to find out what works best for you. It’s also a good idea to visit your doctor beforehand, to know if there’s anything that you should (or shouldn’t) do in regards to your health.

However, if you’re looking to improve your diet, then there are some general rules that you could implement immediately.



These rules will keep you healthy and will make you perform better on the mats, as well as in overall life. They’re simple to follow and you could get to them right now!

  • Limit refined sugars – they’re generally unhealthy, linked to some diseases (like cancer), carry nutritionally empty calories
  • Limit fast food – pretty much the same case as with refined sugars. Try eliminating it from your diet completely.
  • Chew more – by chewing more, you’ll digest your meals better and also eat less
  • More fruit and vegetables – you’re probably not eating them as much as you should, and your vitamin counts are dangerously low
  • Drink more water – hydration is important… And you’re probably dehydrated right now!
  • Eat more protein and healthy fats – not all fats are created equal
  • Eat more organic food – not everything in your diet needs to be organic, but eating more of it will greatly benefit your health
  • Burn more calories than you take in – if you wish to lose weight
  • Intake more calories than you burn – if you want to gain weight

As you see, there’s no magic formula for a „perfect“ diet… Nor do you need it! Eating healthy is simple.
Let’s now see what Daniel, a fulltime Jiu-Jitsu competitor, has for his meal after training.



After training, Daniel’s first „meal“ is actually a recovery drink! He drinks orange juice with a bit of additional dextrose – which provide for simple carbs, that speed up recovery. Daniel emphasizes that it’s really important that you refuel well after training, particularly if you’ll have a second workout sometime during the day.
He also adds some creatine into the mix. Why creatine? Read here.

For lunch, he eats mincemeat; with paprika, some pepper, spinach, rice, and with plenty of salt for a better taste. Then, if he wants to eat a dessert, Daniel opts for Greek yogurt with strawberry flavor.
Basically, this sort of a meal is super healthy, easy to make, and isn’t expensive.
Plus, it’s good to understand that Daniel prepares his meals well in advance; so that he can just take his meal out of a freezer in a moment’s notice, warm it up/cook it, and eat it.

Watch the video below to see more on how Daniel goes about meal prepping. And remember: this is a great example of what you could eat, but you will have to find more options on your own as well!

If you’re ready to trade in your “Dad Bod” or you’ve always wondered if there was an easy-to-follow nutritional and exercise plan that will get you in the best shape in your life, without endless hours in the gym or trying to survive on lettuce and water, then look no more.  BJJ Fanatics has brought one of the most respected BJJ martial artists, teachers and school owners, Tom DeBlass in to share the simple to follow secrets that have him in the best shape of his life at age 35!  Check out “Ripped in 12 Weeks” available here where Tom will share all of his nutritional and fitness secrets in an easy to follow format, complete with guidebooks and recipes.