The nutrition world is full of often contradicting advice.
Don’t eat this, but eat that… Or actually wait, do eat that first thing but in moderation, though that second thing is not that healthy as they said it was…
Oh wait a minute – newest studies are saying that neither of those things are healthy but that if you want to preserve your gut microbiome, then this third thing is a must and if you don’t eat it, you’ll perish 2 decades earlier.
So, it goes without saying that anything that can simplify what you should and shouldn’t eat goes a long way.
Which is the type of advice Georges St-Pierre has to share.
He recounted making a big weight bulking (no, not weight-cutting) mistake years ago and the wisdom he took from it:
I was worried because I couldn’t go back up to the weight that I wanted.
So I tried to overfeed myself, to force myself to eat, and the morning of the fight I threw up my breakfast.
I told myself: “That doesn’t start the day off very well.”You know, it affects your confidence.
I was like: “Maybe you should have listened to your body.”
Which is exactly what the MMA legend is advising everyone to do:
I’m a big believer that you need to be aware of these things.
I think you need to listen to your body.You eat, and when you’re not hungry, stop eating.
Your body will let you know when you have had enough.
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Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.