1.Hi Sebastian, can you please introduce yourself to the BJJ community of Eastern Europe?
My name is Sebastian Brosche, i am 28 yearsold and have a brown belt in BJJ and second degree black belt in judo. I am born and raised in Northern Sweden and is currently living in in Oslo – Norway with my girlfriend Stine. I won the Mundials 2010 in purplebelt, both middle-heavy and absolute. I won European Open in white, blue and purple and World Pro qualifier in London 2011.
2.How did you end up moving to Norway training at Frontline?
I moved to norway because i was looking for a good place to train, where i could find a part-time job and train fulltime. I was very well recieved at Frontline Academy, and they had a high level of practice and a friendly atmosphere. To me it is essential that I really like the people and the place i train at, since i spend a big part of my life there.
3. Please tell us more about Frontline. What do you do differently than other BJJ academies?
Frontline is run by a group of professional blackbelts who love the sport of BJJ. They are on the mat wearing the gi almost every day of the year. In my understanding it has taken many years of struggle and hard work to make it work, but i think frontline has one of the best teams in scandinavia.
We take extra good care of visiting athletes, and people who visit always returns. I have trained in many different clubs, and Frontline is the one where i feel most at home.
4.You were a accomplished Judoka and member of the Swedish Judo Team, what made you switch to BJJ? Do you still train and compete in judo?

Frontline BJJ in Norway
I made a transition from judo to BJJ. It was easy to see that BJJ was fresh and alive, a new sport that was spreading everywhere. I completely stopped practicing judo, because a judomatch ends where the fun begins! Also, judo is extremely physically demanding, and most people i know has to stop competing in judo before they turn 30 because of injuries. I wanted to continue my competing and training, and i am able to do that with JiuJitsu.
5. Your style is very dynamic and with a very strong guard passing game. What tips can you give to someone who wants to improve his guard passing?
I have one single advice that will help anyone who struggles with guardpasses:
_Avoid his legs_. He has 2 arms + 2 legs to work, you have only 2 arms (you have to stand on your legs!), so you are always in a disadvantage if you fight from inside the guard. Avoid his legs and pass straight to NorthSouth or reversemount. Another trick i use alot is stepping on his thigh (leg). This is great for breaking the spiderguard and imobilize his hips.
A third and final thing: “If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed has to go to the mountain”. If you can not force your opponents legs where you want them; Move YOUR Legs! Instead of doing the traditional x-pass to the hips that very few have mastered, step in a circle and pass to north-south or even all the way to the other side!
If you cant move your opponent, then move yourself!
My style is dynamic because i dont try to controll my opponent completely, but only the part of his body that enables me to pass the guard!
6.What are other BJJ players that you admire, and why?
When I began with BJJ i was fascinated by Leonardo Vieira and Marcelo Garcia. They are dynamic, technical and all around very good athletes. I participated in a seminar with Leozinho in early 2009, and most of my game was founded with everything i learned at his seminar!
I saw Garcia fighting the final in mundials 2010, and it looked like he was surfing waves, not fighting Jiu-Jitsu. One of my dreams is to fight a superb opponent, and win with no effort, only technique.
7. Tell us about the benefits of Yoga for Jiu-Jitsu. How about something like Ginastica natural?
Yoga has transformed my body and my JiuJitsu. I have improved my breathing, focus and awareness. I am stronger, more flexible, and get injured less often and heal faster.
Many of the things i have been trying and trying suddenly just works, because i can move my body the way i want.
I think Yoga is the best compliment possible for a grappler. We have heard so many times in jiujitsu classes that the hips are the most important, “move your hips!” With Yoga your hips get stronger, smoother, faster and more controlled. As well does your spine, shoulders and core. Yoga does not take time away from grappling, Yoga gives you more time to roll, and will keep you on the mat for as long as you want to.
Ginastica Natural, Yoga, Climbing, Capoeira, Anything that makes your body healthy, strong and moveable is a good complement for grappling.
8. How do you view the progress of BJJ in the Sweden and Norway ? How popular do you see the sport getting there?
I have little or no knowledge of the history if BJJ in scandinavia,
but I think the sport will grow and get bigger the next 10 years because BJJ is a good sport for adults and most people begin with BJJ when they are above 20 years old.
However, if we become good teachers for kids and teenagers, the sport will explode and become huge.
9. What are your favorite guard passes, and submissions?
That was an easy question! Figure4-kimura from northsouth is my favorite. It is a great position, and i think there is more than 7 different submissions that works from there. Points are easy to get, you have close to perfect leverage and can choose between many different transitions. I love that position and try to get better at it every single training.
10. You are very present in the biggest BJJ tournaments worldwide. What motivates to compete so much?
Competing takes my practice to a new dimension, and it gives a new meaning to my training!
You can be 100% sure that if you win a competition, the things you are practicing works for real.
I love the tension and atmosphere at the big tournaments, and it does not take motivation to compete, i just love it. I look forward to compete in the blackbelt division at the Mundials in a couple of years.
11. Do you think that posting all of your fights on your youtube channel could work against with your potential opponents studying your game?
Yes, maybe a little. But would you have contacted me if you had not seen my videos on youtube? I get so much positive and creative feedback on my videos, which inspires me to relax and enjoy my fights, do spectacular moves, and finish with submission instead of winning a boring fight with an advantage or point.
Another thing about videos: I have filmed every single fight since i started competing in BJJ, and it has improved my progress more than anything else. I think the best coach i can have is myself, so i watch my fights and learn what i can.
12. Do you cut weight for competitions?
I think the advantages of eating and hydrating by far outweights those for cutting down to a lower weightclass. A whole day of competing is very hard for the body and mind, and with no water and carbohydrates you fight less than optimally.
I have been cutting weight for many years, but when i started eating i started winning. I am happy the rules of BJJ is different from wrestling and MMA since it is designed to avoid weightcutting.
13.What is next for you and your team in 2012/2013?
Some of our guys went over this weekend to NoGi Worlds. Personally i want to qualify to WorldPro Finals in April, and of course we will all go to Mundials and win in June!
14.If you want to thank somebody please feel free
I thank those who are treating everyone and everything with love and kindness. You are saving this planet from suffering.
15. Thank you Sebastian and all the best!
Good luck and a big thank you too!
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.