
Lachlan Giles: “I’ve Barely Missed A Day Of Training In The Past 10 Years”

Lachlan Giles: “I’ve Barely Missed A Day Of Training In The Past 10 Years”

Lachlan Giles is Absolute MMA’s head coach and one of the top-ranked grapplers today; whose name echoed far and wide after placing 3rd in the ADCC 2019’s absolute division.
Back in 2019, Giles shared some of the secrets to his competition success in a conversation with BJJ Eastern Europe:

It would be hard to pin down my success as a competitor to one single thing. I think that taking a technical, problem solving approach to Jiu-Jitsu – as well as taking on what I believe to be the best training methodology (that is, specific training which is tailored to areas you are trying to improve) – played a large part.
One of my biggest strengths is my consistency, as I have barely missed a day of training in the past 10 years, so long as the opportunity to train was available.

He continued to explain his successful approach to coaching BJJ as well:

And, as much as I would love to claim the success of my students as my own doing, I honestly think that – in order to create a good grappler – the most important thing is to create an environment where they can develop their own game and spend time problem solving, workshopping, and specific training that game.
Of course, as a coach my role there is often just to direct the focus of their game onto something I know is high percentage, as too often you will see people start going down pathways that are low percentage. They have to do the hard work of showing up and a lot of the problem solving work themselves (I help where I can).

Read more on his perspective on coaching, making most out of your time on the mats, injury prevention and much more in our full interview with Lachlan Giles.