
Can’t Afford Protein Powder? Benefits Of Chocolate Milk As A Post Workout Drink

Can’t Afford Protein Powder? Benefits Of Chocolate Milk As A Post Workout Drink

You don’t have to spend your hard earned money on over priced and over hyped supplements. You can actually get a proper post workout drink from household products. To get the best results from your BJJ training, ensure that your post-workout drink or meal is up to par. After your workout, your body is most receptive to using amino acids to repair muscle tissue, while using carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen.

Keith Baar, head of the UC Davis Functional Molecular Biology Laboratory, says that research shows taking in protein immediately after working out increases the amount of muscle gain. Baar further asserts that chocolate milk is a good protein delivery drink.

One of the things you want to do is within the first 30 minutes after resistance exercise is you can take a chocolate
milk and that has both whey and casein in it a little bit of sugar a little bit of active ingredients. If you have
high quality chocolate it’s actually extremely good for your muscle in it is one of the best things for increasing
your muscle mass.




Don’t listen to the doubters and supplement sellers

They will tell you that Chocolate milk is full of sugar and that you should instead buy their expensive whey protein drink. No need to spend lots of money when you can use simple chocolate milk instead.

The Doctors on CBS explain why chocolate milk is a great way to refuel after a tough workout: