One of the best & most prestigious BJJ competitions in the region: The Serbian BJJ Cup is on April 7, In Belgrade, Serbia!
Where & When: at Sportski Centar Sumice, one of the most prestigious arenas in Serbia. Ustanička 125, Belgrade, Serbia.
Prizes: Manto Gis offred by BJJSHOP.RS for winners of Absolute white, Absolute Blue, All weight classes at Elite, and Absolute elite!
* White belts
* Blue belts
* Elite: (purple,brown and black belts)
Women: all belts together
Weight classes (weight with kimono on)
* -70.0, -76.0, -82.3, -88.3, -94.3, -100.5, +100.5 (kg)
* Open class White, Open class Blue, Open class Elite
Women: -60 & +60 kgs (with Kimono On)
Weigh ins:
* Before his first fight, the competitor will check his weight with the GI on
* If the competitor does not make his weight, they will be immediately disqualified, without refund.
Online Registration:
For men:
For women:
Competition rules:
* Official IBJJF rules
* White – official IBJJF rules for white belt
* Blue – official IBJJF rules for blue belt
* Elite – official IBJJF rules for brown/black belts
More info:
Last year’s competition: