
IBJJF Pan PLAY BY PLAY and Results, Sunday March 24th


Tune in here at 11am California time or 8pm Paris or Belgrade time on Saturday and at 9am California time/ 8pm Paris of Belgrade time on Sunday ( March 23, 24th) for the live play by play right here on BJJ EASTERN EUROPE!
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Schedule: http://www.ibjjf.org/pan2013schedule.htm
Athlete list: https://www.ibjjfdb.com/CampeonatoInscricao/PorCategoriaETimePdf?CampeonatoId=162
Brackets: http://www.usbjjf.org/bracket_viewer/Bracket.html

IBJJF Pan 2013 – Partial Results: https://www.ibjjfdb.com/Campeonato/PublicResults?CampeonatoId=162&CultureInfo=en-US

A good preview of the Pan: https://www.bjjee.com/articles/2013-ibjjf-pan-jiu-jitsu-championship-preview-predictions/

For the PLAY BY PLAY of saturday click here

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9:25 am: Ok guys we are live from Irvine California.Coming up are the lightweight adult divisions for brown and black belts. Angelica Galvao wins her first match… Paulo Miyao wins his first match on points…Cobrinha is up 27-0 against Jordan from the Gracie Academy. Jordan is defending well but is clearly outclassed by Cobrinha. Joirdan is using the Rener Gracie survival technique to survive. Cobrinho catches him with a omoplata…Kim Terra is out, beaten by Rafael Triangulo…Lucas Lepri takes his first match…Aj Agazarm is also through…Tanquinho’s first fight, he’s competing at featherweight, and is looking in great shape…Bruno Malfacine is up against Tahiro Yoshioka, Bruno is up 7-2. Bruno hits a lightning quick armbar and snaps Takahiro’s arm. Nasty!…Felipe Costa is up against Joseph Capizzi, boring stand up fight. Felipe wins 8-0…Michael Langhi’s first fight against Kakizawa, Langhi up by 3 advs…Mario Reis wins his first match…

10:00 Gianni Grippo in his first ever match as an Alliance brown belt. He wins by Ezekiel choke….Caio Terra now up against William Hagerty who is doing a good job at keeping Caio at bay with a leg lasso, Caio taps him with a omoplata…Paulo MIyao wins his second match by choke…Zach Maxwell in his first fight vs Carlos e Souza, he wins on points…Jt vs Gabriel Goulart, it’s a barn burner, Jt takes the back, 6-0 for JT, and chokes him out with bow and arrow choke…Aj Agazarm in his second match, almost got a rolling toe hold, Aj wins 5-0…Renato Vieira from Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu defeats Megaton Dias…Cobrinha now vs Samir Chantre, Cobrinho putting heavy pressure on Samir’s hips and working a head and arm choke, but switches to a collar choke from half guard and Samir taps…Zach Maxwell now against Vinicius Marinho of GFteam, back and forth sweep battle, Marinho beats Maxwell by one advantage…Sinistro Iturralde now up…P Miyao berimbolos and takes the back and wins by bow and arrow…JT Torres vs Nathan Mendelson now, Jt up 2-0, JY wins 4-0…Tanquinho beats Isaque Pavia…

11:00 Gui Mendes vs Francello Costa, Gui pulls guard, and quick sweep, Heavy top game by Gui, he passes the guard, and catches him with a traingle from knee on belly, and gets the tap…Rafa Mendes vs Renato Vieira (who defeated Megaton just before), Rafa esily taps him with a armbar  from the back…Lucas Lepri now vs Vinicius Marinho….Tanquinho vs Cobrinha now. Big match! Cobrinha up 2-0 with 3dvs, they are now in the 50/50, back and forth battle, Cobrinha wins by a 2 point advantage… Felpie Costa v bruno malfacine up, Malfacine submits Costa…Jt Torres vs Michael Langhi now, guaranteed crazy fight, Jt Torres almost flying triangles Langhi. JT Langhi is 2-2, now 6-4 for Langhi. Langhi taps JT with a collar choke!…Rafa Mendes vs Mario Reis, Rafa putting pressure on Mario’s hips and working a head and arm choke, Rafa slowly inching up. Rafa wins, Reis just held on for dear life the whole match…Caio trying to pass vs Fabio Passos, Caio wins by ref decision…Sean Roberts up now vs GB’s Carlos Ribeiro, Sean wins by back choke in his debut at black belt….Jake Mackenzie up now…Lucas Rocha up now vs Leo Iturralde…Keenan is on mat 2 vs Pedro Palhares, the son of Luiz Palhares, red and black belt. Keenan is wearing a Keiko gi. New sponsor? keenan gets the mount but gets sweeped backed to guard. Keenan kneebars Pedro…Gui Mendes vs Thomas Lisboa, Gui up 6-0…Felipe Pena up now vs Renato Cardoso, in 50/50 Renato attacking the foot, Felipe gets out and comes on top, Renato wins by adv…Keenan vs Mathias Diniz of Alliance who is a Marcelo Garcia protegee, 2-2 between them, Keenan wins 4-2….

12:00 Sean Roberts vs Leandro Lo, Lo already gets Sean’s back, but Sean escapes back to guard, lo passes, 22-0 for Lo, now 39-0 and Lo submits from the mount…Tarsis Humphries up 2-0 against Ben Baxter, Tarsis is through…Andre Galvao wins his first match by armbar… Otavio Sousa vs Nic Ruben, Otavio sweeps and already mounts. Otavio wins by back choke…Clarck Gracie wins by his “clarkoplata”…Mackenzie Dern vs Luiza Monteiro, 4-4 between the two, Luiza wins by 2 points…Dj Jackson vs  Gabriel Pontes, Dj down on points, Dj back up and wins on points…Andre Galvao vs Renato Cardoso now, 50/50 battle, they’re back up, Galvao up 4-0, Galvao gets the back and getsthe choke…Miyao vs Gianni, w/ Rafa coaching Miyao, Gianni loses 2-0…

1pm: Keenan advances to the finals…Ben Henderson takes the back, wins on points…Leandro Lo vs Vitor Oliveira, Leandro Lo loses on points, big upset! …DJ jackson did not do the TLI hand sign when he won and had no patches…Tarsis beats Rodrigo Fajardo by choke…Clark Gracie vs Otavio Sousa, Clark wins by 2-2 and 4 adv to 2…Kayron Gracie vs Marcelo Mafra, Mafra taps Kayron!…Rafael Formiga leading 4-0 against Dj Jackson. Dj taps Formiga with a kimura!…Keenan in his final now, Keenan wins…Tarsis Humphries vs Andre Galvao now, Tomoe nage to back take from Galvao! Tarsis gets back to half guard, galvao taps him with a kimura…

2pm: Marcelo Mafra beats Vitor Oliveira by lightning fast armlock!..Bendo loses on points…Abmar Barbosa submits Ian Mcpherson by armlock…DJ Jackson takesdown Clark Gracie to score early, Dj on top pressuring, Clark getting omoplatas, sweeps, up by one advantage, Clark wins by ref decision..Romulo Barral vs Matt Jubera, Romulo up 13-0 and wins…The Finals will be in 1 hour…

3pm: Guto Campos beats Diogo by one advanatge…Romulo Barral vs Abmar Barbosa for a real barn burner, both are great guard players! Romulo pulls guard first. Abmar forgot his extra blue blue gi so borrowd Ian Mcpherson’s gi 🙂 Romulo working the standing pass now to break the closed guard, working the knee slide again. Romulo passes and mounts, and taps him with a arm traingle variation…Orlando Sanchez vs Gustavo Diaz now,ustavo up 2-0, two minutes left.Orlando does what looks like a fake shake hands and goes for a takedown, but gets nothing. Diaz passes the guard and wins …Cyborg on the bottom, rolling around, now in half guard, Will we see the tornado? He inverts, looks for it, goes all the way around. Sweeps to the top, scrambles to the back, RIPS his opponent to the matt, takes the back and gets the choke…Lucas Leite beats Nick Alban 17-0…Gabriel Vella on top vs Felipe Bueno. Vella looking for a cross choke, Bueno gaining some ground. vella wins by points..40 minutes to the Black Belt finals!..Next up will be Romulo Barral vs Guto Campos…James Puopulo got Dq’d for knee reaping…Alexander Trans is in a 50/50 footlock battle with Roberto Cyborg. Cyborg down 2-0, Trans beats Cyborg…Romulo vs Guto Campos: Romulo breakdances around the leg.. Gusto Campos looking for 5050.. Romulo looking to get out, tries to stand, CAmpos gets the leg, gets sweep points. score tied 2-2, Guto passes Romulo’s guard. Guto Campos dominatiing but Romulo sweeps and has 1min 30 to make a 8 point defficit.Guto in the finals to meet Andre Galvao.. Nivaldo Oliveira beats Gui Santos…Leo Nogueria on mat 6 vs Andre Campos. 0-0 w/ 1 penalty a piece after 6 minutes, Leo gets the ref decision…

4pm: Lucas Leite submits Diego Herzog from the back…Looks like the Black belt finals are on brazilian time…Some brown belts on at the moment….

Rooster weight Final: Caio Terra vs Bruno Malfacine: Caio shoots for an ankle, then tries to aggressively pull guard, they reset, Bruno monkey shoots to pull guard, Resets, both standing still. Caio working the knee shield, BRUNO WORKING THE STRAIGHT ARM LOCK, nothing doing, gets an advantage. CAio going for the knee bar, too shallow, now they are in 50 50… caio gets an advantage. sorr, score i reported was wrong.. 2-2 advantages, 1 penalty for bruno. Caio in 50/50 and gets up so up by 2 points. Caio puts him in a calf slicer to ride out the victory. Caio Terra finally beats Malfa!

Lightfeather: Guilherme Mendes vs Laercio Fernandes. Mendes playing guard working the deep cross collar grip for now. 0-0… 1:30 gone. Mainly grip fighting, mendes takes the belt grip again. now mendes has both feet on the hips, laercio has the pant leg grip, mendes has the lapel and is inverting for a sweep, stops, he’s on his right hip threatening a roll. Gui wins 4-2 in a close match.

Feather: Rubens Cobrinha vs Rafael Mendes. ITS ON!! crowd is chanting… both men in low position. Neither one advancing, Rafa runs forward to take guard, has the delariva and cobrinhas belt. They restart Rafa spins underneath, cobrinha looking for a leg, cobrinha stays on top. Looks like 5050 territory. This is Rafa’s game, Rafa rolling now, still on bottom. Mendes gets the 5050 sweep, up 2-0 now. Cobrinha gets the sweep and they are now stuck in 5050 but all tied up. 30 secs left. It will go to a ref dec. Rafa Mendes takes it. Looked like Mendes was more pushing the fight.

Light: Lucas Lepri vs Michael Langhi: Close out since both from Alliance.

Middle weight final: Marcelo Mafra vs Clark Gracie: Mafra in one legged x guard, reset in the middle of the mat, Mafra sweeps, 2-0.  Mafra on top here, frees the leg lasso, sprawls back, clark gets the leg lasso again.Clark on top, passes and get the omoplata and head and arm in the last 3o secs and chokes out Mafra! The Clarkoplata! 

Midle Heavy final: Andre Galvao beats Guto Campos by Gentleman’s agreement since both from Atos.

Heavy weight Final: Nivaldo Oliveira vs Roberto Tussa. Nivaldo pulls full guard and has an omoplata. Tussa gets out. Tussa working a kind of brabo choke with collar. Nil breaks the grip and they are back up. Nivaldo down by 2 advs. Nil goes for a single but Tussa defends well. 2-1 adv to Tussa with 1 min left. Tussa wins by 1 adv

Super Heavy Final: Leo Nogueira vs Gabriel Vella: Leo up 2-0 climbing up, very heavy, using his right foot on the knee for leverage. Vela setting up for the bridge. leo passes and wins on points. 8-0

Ultra heavy final: Trans to face Buchecha…Trans vs Buchecha for the Ultra Heavy final. Trans pulls to half guard,Buchecha on top in half guard. Trans on the bottom, left hand collar grip, trying to make it deep. Buchecha up by one adv. Buchecha passes to the side and mounts! Trans escapes back to half guard. Trans has a similar game to Bernardo Faria. Buchecha wins the Ultra Heavy weight gold.

Absolute men’s: Marcus Buchecha vs Andre Galvao: Buchecha shoots, and after a scramble takes Galvao down. they are back up. Galvao tries a Tomoe Nage, Galvao works the x guard, Buchecha holds Galvao in a crucifix! Galvao recovers guard. Galvao rolls for a kneebar but Buchecha defends , they’re back up, Galvao ouchi gari (inside trip) takedowns. Tied 2-2  but Buchcha up on avs. Buchecha sweeps with 20 sec left. Buchecha is the double gold winner. Great match

Brown belt absolute finals: Keenan Cornelius vs Paulo Miyao: Double guard pull war…Both sitting in butterfly, both have sleeve grips, both fighting for position with the legs. Keenan comes up at the last 10 secs and wins by 1 adv.

Women’s finals: Pluma: Sofia Amarante (Avengers) vs Miriam Cerqueira (Elite BJJ) Pena: Luiza Monteiro (Cicero Costha) beats Mackenzie Dern (Gracie Humaitá) Leve: Carol Vidal (Gracie Humaitá) closes with Bia Mesquita (Gracie Humaitá) Médio: Vanessa Oliveira (GFTeam) beats Thaysa Ramos (Avengers) 2-0  Meio-pesado: Talita Treta (Ryan Gracie) beats Luzia Carmem (Gracie Barra) Pesado: Gabi Garcia (Alliance) closes with Andressa (Alliance)

Absolute ladies: Gabi Garcia (Alliance) beats  Bia Mesquita (Gracie Humaitá) 3-0.




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