Tournament : ADCC Romania Open Championship 2013
Date: 7 septembrie 2013
Location: Sala de sport a Liceului Mircea Eliade. Bucuresti, Splaiul Independentei, nr. 315-317, sector 6
Starting hour: 10.00
Weigh in and competition fee payment: 9.00
Divisions: Kids, Begginers (less than 2 years in a grappling martial art: BJJ, judo, lupte, sambo, kempo etc.) and Advanced (over 2 years in a grappling martial art: BJJ, judo, lupte, sambo, kempo etc.)
Weight categories:
Kids boys: -24.0 kg -28.0 kg -32.0 kg -36.0 kg -40.0 kg -45.0 kg -50.0 kg -55.0 kg -60.0 kg – 65.0 kg -70.0 kg – 75.0 kg + 75.0 kg
Kids girls -28.0 kg -36.0 kg -45.0 kg
Begginers male: -60.0 kg -65.0 kg -70.0 kg -76.0 kg -83.0 kg -91.0 kg -100.0 kg +100.0 kg Open
Begginers female: -52.0 kg -58.0 kg +58.0 kg
Advanced male: -65.9kg -76.9 Kg -87.9 Kg -98.9 Kg +99 Kg Open
Advanced female: -60.0 kg +60.0 kg
Fight time: 5min, 2 first min without points. 2 Minutes overtime if there is a draw with no advantage
Registration fee: 80 lei
Spectators: 10 lei
Travel package for ADCC European Championship 2014 will be given to the winner of the Open Division Advanced Male or the equivalent of 300 euros.
Mai multe informatii:, 0723.522.445
Sloth Jiu-Jitsu: you can be slow and unathletic and still kick butt in Jiu-Jitsu.